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Discussion involving leisure activities: books, travel, hobbies, sports, Internet fun and more. Please read Msg #1 before posting.

Re: New Year Challenge?
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 12/7/17 2:03pm Msg #29812
A few little tweaks here and there, both in diet and activity, can make a big difference over time, if maintained consistently. Have you tried Coach's Oats from Costco? Has texture similar to steel cut, but just takes about 5 - 7 minutes to cook. One of my new favorite things (although it wasn't part of the weight loss program I used to lose the weight...)

I'm jealous of your garden of ultra-fresh veggies. Nothing like home grown! Not only do they have more nutrients than what we buy in the stores, but I have no doubt they taste better, too! Good for you!

Bummer that you're having problems with your knees, though. Frown If you have access to a pool somewhere, swimming may be an option for you. I credit a certain amount of my seemingly healthy joints to many years of conscientiously taking Omega 3 supplements. (I don't eat enough fish, etc. to get what I need from diet...) Also, I never let my weight get too far out of control. (I read some stats on how much extra strain every 5% of excess weight adds to strain on knees, but I don't remember the details. Searchable, I'm sure, for anyone who's interested.) Naturally, there are many other factors, some of which we have no control over.

As for the videos, I might just have to try some random workouts until I find something that works for me. I had also joined a neighborhood walking group that met every Wednesday evening for a brisk roughly 3-mi walk in a slightly hilly area nearby. It was great to be able to have people to walk with - and it was easier to keep the commitment. But because of early darkness (and a schedule conflict by the leader of the group), they've been suspended for the winter. All that combined is already starting to show up on my bathroom scale! Frown

I plan to do at least one more 6-week weight loss cycle starting in January, but I think I need to get back into exercise mode now. If I discover something I fall in love with, I'll let you all know.
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Messages in this Thread
 Low impact video workout recommendation? New Year Challenge? - JanetK_CA on 12/6/17 4:01pm
 I immediately thought of my little 45 record "Chicken Fat" -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/6/17 6:14pm
 Re: Low impact video workout recommendation? New Year Challenge? - NVLSlady/VA on 12/6/17 10:31pm
 New Year Challenge? - Bear900/CA on 12/7/17 1:17am
 Re: New Year Challenge? -  JanetK_CA on 12/7/17 2:03pm
 Re: Low impact video workout recommendation? New Year Challenge? -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/7/17 6:55am
 Re: New Year Challenge (12-week?) - NVLSlady/VA on 12/7/17 12:03pm
 Re: New Year Challenge (12-week?) -  JanetK_CA on 12/7/17 2:21pm
 Your program sounds good - NVLSlady/VA on 12/7/17 3:50pm
 Re: Your program sounds good -  Claudine Osborne on 12/18/17 1:20pm

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