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We've briefly discussed this topic in the past, Marilynn, &
Posted by  Christine/OK of OK on 12/11/16 2:37am Msg #566398
diversification is the key for weathering storms. It may not be pleasant or fun to decide that you must alter your plans, but I can certainly see this scenario is bringing no joy at all into your life. This downward spiral is disheartening to all and I'm saddened to see that this is happening to you as well. Frown

You're a strong, independent-minded business owner who knows how to take care of business as a professional. Sometimes when you're presented with a crossroads in your business plan/career, there's a reason for it presenting in your life at this point in time.

Creatively, if I may, I'd like to make a suggestion please. Mentally gather all the negativity of it, wrap it up in a bundle, put it into an imaginary box, tie a bow around it, then mentally set it aside, toss it out the window, do whatever to it as per your heart's desire . . . Find a quiet, peaceful location with pen and paper at the ready. Light a white candle, muster up your most courageous mindset while mentally concentrating on your future. Be receptive to the thoughts that bubble up to the surface. Write down whatever comes to mind. You may surprise yourself with what you see yourself write on the paper. Offer no resistance to any concepts/ideas. Simply let them ebulliently flow forth . . . You may find this a bit unnerving initially then quite cathartic as well as enlightening.

P.S. As I was composing this for you, Marilynn, a particular thought/concept repeatedly came to mind specifically for your situation (sent you a PM).

Best wishes for success, happiness, & joy moving forward on a path of your own creation, Marilynn! Big Smile
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Messages in this Thread
 The impact of algorithims on our business. I had a very -  MW/VA on 12/10/16 10:11am
 Everyone paid the same? -  Christine/OK on 12/10/16 11:12am
 I agree, this is the biggest bunch of malarkey ... - BearPaw/CO on 12/10/16 11:27am
 Re: The impact of algorithims on our business. I had a very -  Yoli/CA on 12/10/16 1:37pm
 Neither have I. My business model will not allow me to - Alz on 12/10/16 2:01pm
 They wouldn't like my answer to that Faulty line -  NVLSlady/VA on 12/10/16 4:26pm
 My thoughts too NVLS.. - Linda_H/FL on 12/10/16 5:32pm
 ["be prepared to pay for EVERY line item and value added -  NVLSlady/VA on 12/10/16 6:45pm
 I completely agree. I don't like having to compromise my -  MW/VA on 12/10/16 7:58pm
 What is your limit? How low will you go? - Belinda/CA on 12/10/16 8:35pm
 Considering their deed, etc, is not worth the paper - Belinda/CA on 12/10/16 10:40pm
 Re: Considering their deed, etc, is not worth the paper -  JanetK_CA on 12/11/16 12:16am
 That's incorrect, Belinda - LKT/CA on 12/11/16 9:18am
 People get the essence of my statement I do believe. n/m - Belinda/CA on 12/12/16 11:02am
 We've briefly discussed this topic in the past, Marilynn, & -  Christine/OK on 12/11/16 2:37am
 so enlightened! love your suggestions. -  sigtogo/OR on 12/11/16 12:38pm
 algorithms have nothing to do with lowered fees.... -  C. Rivera Chicago Notary Services on 12/11/16 6:39am
 "many in this profession are so set in their archaic ways of -  MW/VA on 12/11/16 8:26am
 Re: "many in this profession are so set in their archaic ways of -  C. Rivera Chicago Notary Services on 12/12/16 5:33am
 Re: algorithms have nothing to do with lowered fees.... - SteveS/CA on 12/11/16 10:57am
 Re: algorithms have nothing to do with lowered fees.... -  JanetK_CA on 12/13/16 5:05pm
 Re: The impact of algorithims on our business. I had a very -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/11/16 8:41am
 Exactly, Cheryl. It's a real blessing for those of you who -  MW/VA on 12/11/16 8:52am
 Re: Exactly, Cheryl. It - LKT/CA on 12/11/16 9:29am
 Re: Exactly, Cheryl. It - SteveS/CA on 12/11/16 11:02am
 If by "anyone," you mean *you*, Steve ... - BearPaw/CO on 12/11/16 11:59am
 Yep, what Bearpaw said - LKT/CA on 12/11/16 3:28pm
 Real Estate Meetings -  Linda_in_IN on 12/11/16 2:41pm
 I am an INDEPENDENT contractor. I set my own fee.... - BobbiCT on 12/12/16 7:51am
 Re: I am an INDEPENDENT contractor. I set my own fee.... - SteveS/CA on 12/12/16 8:46am
 I do...when you have marketed direct and *most* of your - ananotary on 12/12/16 11:48am
 I would Challenge the idea that fee reductions and -  NVLSlady/VA on 12/12/16 2:11pm
 I am challenging this kind of thinking. I really don't care -  MW/VA on 12/12/16 5:54pm
 Or that use the equip at spouse's ofc for printing, etc. : ( n/m -  Christine/OK on 12/13/16 6:44am

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