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Re: Sally Yates takes Ted Cruz to school
Posted by MikeC/TX of TX on 5/9/17 4:07pm Msg #70173
"Not familiar with one section but can reel off another section????????"

If you listen to the video, she said she WAS familiar with the section Cruz cited after he read it - she just didn't immediately recognize the title and section. She said "I'm also familiar with..." and proceeded to reel off the other section, noting after she finished that it was added subsequent to what Cruz was had read, something Cruz apparently didn't know.

"Yates further clarified that she refused to implement Trump’s immigration order due to her belief that the order was unconstitutional in regards to due process and equal protection."

That's what the section she cited was about - you can't discriminate based on those factors. That discrimination possibly violates both due process and equal protection. Ultimately, it will be up to a judge to decide.

But her response did succeed in getting Cruz to shut up.
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Messages in this Thread
 Sally Yates takes Ted Cruz to school - MikeC/TX on 5/8/17 7:33pm
 Re: Sally Yates takes Ted Cruz to school - FGX/NJ on 5/9/17 5:38am
 Re: Sally Yates takes Ted Cruz to school - MikeC/TX on 5/9/17 4:07pm
 Re: Sally Yates takes Ted Cruz to school - FGX/NJ on 5/9/17 4:18pm
 Re: Sally Yates takes Ted Cruz to school - MikeC/TX on 5/9/17 4:41pm
 Re: Sally Yates takes Ted Cruz to school - FGX/NJ on 5/9/17 4:55pm
 Re: Sally Yates takes Ted Cruz to school - MikeC/TX on 5/9/17 5:30pm
 As a Texan, I sincerly hope not - Moneyman/TX on 5/18/17 6:19pm
 Mike, do you have a link to the specific video you mention? - Moneyman/TX on 5/18/17 6:28pm

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