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Re: Gardening for geeks and green thumbs
Posted by Bear900/CA of CA on 1/22/17 5:54pm Msg #28194
Yes, I agree with everything. I made the beds 4x8 so I can work from outside, I am going to use the 'no-til' method on successive plantings to not disturb bacteria and fungi in the soil.

I have the 'Back to Eden' mentality but don't fully agree with his methods. I do believe in observing how a forest doesn't need a tender to make things grow.

I started composting in Nov with garden scraps, leaves, starter compost and plenty of coffee grounds. My wife has a Starbucks Coffee machine at work so she brings home 2 lbs of coffee grounds with the filters each day. I add other items such as sawdust too.

Soil. When I moved in there was fill dirt with chunks of cement put in to fill craters in the yard. That and Bermuda and weeds in base of hard pan. I cleaned and leveled the backyard in one Dat with wide rows and planted the next day. It was July. I opened the center of the rows and inserted Dr earth compost. If you come across this give it a try. I planted everything in Dr earth. You would think I was composting for 20 years. Amazing stuff. I actually dug out the 'black veins of gold' and added them to my raised beds,

Will pick up a ph tester.

Have you ever heard of seed bankso at local libraries? Trading heirloom seeds is illegal in some states.

I'm in zone 9. I have a micro-climate in my yard however. I get marine layer until 9 or 10 followed by intense sun, then cool down again around mid-evening during growing season.

I can plant some items year round but will need hoop houses to make warm enough to grow in winter.

Can start planting late Feb early March. Discovered that Early Girls and a few other garden store tomatoes are indeterminate, meaning they don't ripen all at the same time,

I can't over stress YouTube for information. You learn who to watch and listen to.
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Messages in this Thread
 Gardening for geeks and green thumbs - Bear900/CA on 1/17/17 12:51am
 Re: Gardening for geeks and green thumbs -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/17/17 7:29am
 Re: Planting in the full moonlight - Bear900/CA on 1/17/17 3:24pm
 Re: Gardening for geeks update - Bear900/CA on 1/17/17 3:19pm
 Re: Gardening for geeks update - anotaryinva on 1/19/17 6:03pm
 Re: Gardening for geeks update - Bear900/CA on 1/21/17 4:55pm
 Re: Gardening for geeks and green thumbs - jba/fl on 1/21/17 9:39pm
 Re: Gardening for geeks and green thumbs - anotaryinva on 1/22/17 2:31pm
 Re: Gardening for geeks and green thumbs - Bear900/CA on 1/22/17 5:54pm
 Re: Gardening for geeks and green thumbs - Bear900/CA on 1/22/17 6:04pm
 Re: Gardening for geeks and green thumbs - anotaryinva on 1/23/17 1:11pm
 Growing Zones count but... - Bear900/CA on 1/23/17 3:35pm

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