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Re: Cyndi is right on the money! thanks Sue
Posted by cyndi_ca of CA on 5/19/06 11:51am Msg #121050
The point is, we (nsa) provide a service. Just because we are independant contractors doesn't give us the right to be complete morons and think we can dress however we like, say whatever we like in the presence of someone who is benefitting from our service. It's the basic principal of customer service. TC and LO can choose not to use us. And that guy was representing the Co from which you got your loan. Now if you weren't is this biz, how would you feel as a BO who knew nothing about TC and SS's. You would probably think this is a freaky company I'm getting my loan through? Run for the hills!!! BTW when I called my LO to tell him about this person who called. He couldn't believe it and thanked me profusly, and that he wouldn't want someone like representing his co.
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Messages in this Thread
 Unprofessional Notary who swears/cusses - las_CA on 5/19/06 10:56am
 Re: Unprofessional Notary who swears/cusses -  Terri Garner on 5/19/06 11:00am
 I'd call the TC in a heartbeat. -  MistarellaFL on 5/19/06 11:02am
 Re: Unprofessional Notary who swears/cusses -  Tina_MA on 5/19/06 11:09am
 I wouldn't give it a second thought. Call TC - cyndi_ca on 5/19/06 11:18am
 Cyndi is right on the money! - SueW/Tn on 5/19/06 11:27am
 Re: Cyndi is right on the money! thanks Sue - cyndi_ca on 5/19/06 11:51am
 Re: Unprofessional Notary who swears/cusses - Dee_Fla on 5/19/06 11:58am
 Re: VERY scary -  DellaCa on 5/19/06 12:07pm
 Sorry for the caps. At work I have to use all caps nt - las_CA on 5/19/06 12:08pm
 Re: Good for you , maybe it was $3.00-$5.00 n/m -  DellaCa on 5/19/06 12:09pm
 I doubt this guy has completed 2 signings. -  hcampersFL on 5/19/06 1:07pm
 Re: I doubt this guy has completed 2 signings. - SharonMN on 5/19/06 4:28pm
 Glad to hear that you're going to inform the SOS as well. -  Tina_MA on 5/19/06 2:39pm
 This is HALF the reason why you Need A Photo on Your Profile -  Kelly M Robertson on 5/19/06 1:09pm
 Re: This is HALF the reason why you Need A Photo on Your Profile -  Tina_MA on 5/19/06 2:50pm
 Re: This is HALF the reason why you Need A Photo on Your Profile -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 3:10pm
 This is HALF the reason why you Need A Photo on Your Profile -  Kelly M Robertson on 5/19/06 1:09pm
 Re: Unprofessional Notary who swears/cusses - CaliNotary on 5/19/06 4:28pm
 Re: Unprofessional Notary who - Call Hector -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 4:46pm
 DANG! I knew I left that somewhere. - AngelinaAZ on 5/19/06 5:27pm

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