The TC said that they hired a SS to do the signing. They were glad I called and complained... Hey I landed a gig for this Sunday thanks for the idiot notary... When I told the title company that I was a CLSA and that I wouldn't behave or dress the way he did even in my dreams, they were quite unhappy, but wanted to know about my experience and asked if I could give a referal.
A few minutes later called and asked if I would do a signing for them on Sunday.... I"m thrilled...
I also did call the lender and complained to him as well. He said that the TC handled everything but that he was going to call and complain as well.
Thansk all for your advice.. My lender is going to call me back once he receives the paperwork and can get his name/comission number and I will file a complaint with the SOS as well.
I agree, it is notaries like them that gives us all a bad name. This $300 - $500 notary was quite cheap for us.. For notary fees, on the hud it says $200 LOL
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