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Posted by Anonymous of CO on 2/4/06 8:12pm Msg #94366
Thank You for even noticing the plight of the older generation. I suggest that if anyone intends on living into old age that they also take NOTE.

I know it is very scary to think about it, let alone say it out loud. The young people out there would be wise to "charge into this subject" like a crazed bull. Do not let Politicians plan your future. Right now today's 60 is yesterday's 40 and we are smarter-stronger and will outlive our parents by at least 15 years. Now that's a long time. Now THINK what are you going to do to take care of yourself when you outlive us! All very nice for people that are rich and have will always be cared for - but the average person is NOT a rich person and needs to be concerned with their future. Your children will not be able to care for you - they will not have the means to do so. If you have already guessed that I am one of those "Silver Tigers" you are correct. And I am Very worried about the future of the younger people out there.
My child died at age 10, and I no reason other then it is wrong that the American people should be worried to distraction about how they will care for themselves when they hit 60.

So, again I say Please save your little Signing Business it may very well be the very thing that helps to keep you alive in this ever changing world we live in.

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 For seniors, if any of you are on social sec, how do you ... - O/Cnotary on 2/4/06 5:32pm
 Re: For seniors, if any of you are on social sec, how do you ... - John_NorCal on 2/4/06 5:37pm
 John, I believe that applies to the over 65'ers, not those - O/Cnotary on 2/4/06 6:00pm
  how do you ... Long - Anonymous on 2/4/06 6:59pm
 Re: Anon... - Roberta_OR on 2/4/06 7:27pm
 Re: how do you ... Long - Sherri_NWA on 2/4/06 8:28pm
 Sherri_NWA - Anonymous on 2/4/06 8:55pm
 Anon~ -  Sherri_NWA on 2/4/06 9:15pm
 Re: how do you ... Long- Well said - LkArrowhd/CA on 2/5/06 2:59pm
 Re: how do you ... Long- Well said - BrendaTx on 2/5/06 3:14pm
 Re: For seniors, if any of you are on social sec, how do you ... - MonicaFL on 2/4/06 6:57pm
 Monica FL - Anonymous on 2/4/06 7:14pm
 Here are the rules ... - Glenn Strickler on 2/4/06 7:01pm
 Have you noticed how few people are responding to this post - Anonymous on 2/4/06 7:16pm
 Re: Here are the rules ... Not Exactly - Dlars_FL on 2/4/06 7:18pm
 Thanks f/contributing-come on folks lets hear frm/you! nm - Anonymous on 2/4/06 7:22pm
 Re: Thank You............. - Roberta_OR on 2/4/06 7:20pm
 Roberta_OR Thank You-What's your take on retire @ 62?nm - Anonymous on 2/4/06 7:24pm
 Re: Roberta_OR Thank You-What's your take on retire @ 62?nm - Roberta_OR on 2/4/06 7:35pm
 Roberta_ OR - Anonymous on 2/4/06 7:47pm
 Younger Generation How about your opinion! nm - Anonymous on 2/4/06 7:51pm
 Re: Roberta_ OR - Roberta_OR on 2/4/06 7:55pm
 Roberta_OR - Anonymous on 2/4/06 8:19pm
 Re: Roberta_ OR Anon...STAND ON THE FEES - BrendaTx on 2/5/06 1:09am
 Re: Roberta_ OR That was me??? Apology... - BrendaTx on 2/5/06 4:05pm
 O/Cnotary - Anonymous on 2/4/06 8:12pm
 Thanks to all who replied. I am 62 and just started my SS.. - O/Cnotary on 2/4/06 9:01pm
 Re: Thanks to all who replied. I am 62 and just started my SS.. - Dlars_FL on 2/4/06 9:21pm
 Re: Thanks to all who replied. I am 62 and just started my SS.. - Dlars_FL on 2/4/06 9:23pm
 O/Cnotary - Anonymous on 2/4/06 9:22pm
 Re: O/Cnotary - Maureen_nh on 2/5/06 5:55am
 Maureen: How did you have to pay back? Did SS decrease your - O/Cnotary on 2/5/06 11:45am
 Re: For seniors, if any of you are on social sec, how do you - Signing_Doc on 2/5/06 2:36pm

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