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Re: how do you ... Long- Well said
Posted by LkArrowhd/CA of CA on 2/5/06 2:59pm Msg #94544
I did a reverse mortage just a few weeks ago, for a 74 years young lovely lady, she was extremely bright, alert, interested and at a loss of how she was not going to support herself. She had lost her husband of 56 years in June of 2005. He went to lay down on a Sunday afternoon and never woke up, she was grateful he went peacefully. They did everything together in those fifty six years, except discuss the money situation if one passed. According to the packet of info, he had spent his life in construction and I would assume that offered no retirement. She assumed she would be able to collect his FULL social security after he passed but no, it was only half she could collect. She was a woman that had decided to be a stay at home when they began having children, so she also had no real retirement. Her income was just under $800.00. Her goal at this stage of life was to just remain in the home she loves, in the mountains she so loves, pay her bills(none to speak of- just phone, ultilities etc.). This woman has lost the love of her life and all she asked is to remain in her home(paid for of course) go to her favorite market where she is always greeted by the store staff with hugs and how ya doins. She is not interested in travel, expensive dinners or dating, just wants to be in her home with her little dog "Little Bit" and live out the rest of her years. So for her, the reverse mortage was her only alternative for that additional income she so needed, the house needs a new roof as well as a few other improvments. This could absolutely be one of us in the future. Our seniors are vital!
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 For seniors, if any of you are on social sec, how do you ... - O/Cnotary on 2/4/06 5:32pm
 Re: For seniors, if any of you are on social sec, how do you ... - John_NorCal on 2/4/06 5:37pm
 John, I believe that applies to the over 65'ers, not those - O/Cnotary on 2/4/06 6:00pm
  how do you ... Long - Anonymous on 2/4/06 6:59pm
 Re: Anon... - Roberta_OR on 2/4/06 7:27pm
 Re: how do you ... Long - Sherri_NWA on 2/4/06 8:28pm
 Sherri_NWA - Anonymous on 2/4/06 8:55pm
 Anon~ -  Sherri_NWA on 2/4/06 9:15pm
 Re: how do you ... Long- Well said - LkArrowhd/CA on 2/5/06 2:59pm
 Re: how do you ... Long- Well said - BrendaTx on 2/5/06 3:14pm
 Re: For seniors, if any of you are on social sec, how do you ... - MonicaFL on 2/4/06 6:57pm
 Monica FL - Anonymous on 2/4/06 7:14pm
 Here are the rules ... - Glenn Strickler on 2/4/06 7:01pm
 Have you noticed how few people are responding to this post - Anonymous on 2/4/06 7:16pm
 Re: Here are the rules ... Not Exactly - Dlars_FL on 2/4/06 7:18pm
 Thanks f/contributing-come on folks lets hear frm/you! nm - Anonymous on 2/4/06 7:22pm
 Re: Thank You............. - Roberta_OR on 2/4/06 7:20pm
 Roberta_OR Thank You-What's your take on retire @ 62?nm - Anonymous on 2/4/06 7:24pm
 Re: Roberta_OR Thank You-What's your take on retire @ 62?nm - Roberta_OR on 2/4/06 7:35pm
 Roberta_ OR - Anonymous on 2/4/06 7:47pm
 Younger Generation How about your opinion! nm - Anonymous on 2/4/06 7:51pm
 Re: Roberta_ OR - Roberta_OR on 2/4/06 7:55pm
 Roberta_OR - Anonymous on 2/4/06 8:19pm
 Re: Roberta_ OR Anon...STAND ON THE FEES - BrendaTx on 2/5/06 1:09am
 Re: Roberta_ OR That was me??? Apology... - BrendaTx on 2/5/06 4:05pm
 O/Cnotary - Anonymous on 2/4/06 8:12pm
 Thanks to all who replied. I am 62 and just started my SS.. - O/Cnotary on 2/4/06 9:01pm
 Re: Thanks to all who replied. I am 62 and just started my SS.. - Dlars_FL on 2/4/06 9:21pm
 Re: Thanks to all who replied. I am 62 and just started my SS.. - Dlars_FL on 2/4/06 9:23pm
 O/Cnotary - Anonymous on 2/4/06 9:22pm
 Re: O/Cnotary - Maureen_nh on 2/5/06 5:55am
 Maureen: How did you have to pay back? Did SS decrease your - O/Cnotary on 2/5/06 11:45am
 Re: For seniors, if any of you are on social sec, how do you - Signing_Doc on 2/5/06 2:36pm

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