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Really getting ahead of themselves.
Posted by NVLSlady/VA of VA on 4/28/21 7:39pm Msg #631760
How does a (loan) "approval" even get scheduled when it doesn't exist!???

Next thing you know they'll be sending out a payment coupon book. Lol

Computers. I'd be checking my credit report carefully.
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Messages in this Thread
 Just venting ... -  Yoli/CA on 4/26/21 12:36pm
 I hear ya Yoli. n/m - Alz on 4/26/21 3:50pm
 Re: Just venting ... - Noolypen on 4/27/21 1:12pm
 It was after all a full pink moon. -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/27/21 1:13pm
 LOL n/m - Alz on 4/27/21 1:31pm
 Re: LOL - pdl/cali on 4/27/21 10:01pm
 Re: LOL - Noolypen on 4/28/21 9:35am
 Re: Title Company not communicating - Jules on 4/28/21 10:29am
 Re: Title Company not communicating - NVLSlady/VA on 4/28/21 11:59am
 Borrower emailed me to cancel our appointment... -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/28/21 5:48pm
 Really getting ahead of themselves. - NVLSlady/VA on 4/28/21 7:39pm

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