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Re: You're welcome! Thanks for your support! n/m
Posted by Matt Miller of CA on 1/12/22 12:25pm Msg #637627
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Messages in this Thread
 Reminder! Hearing Tomorrow - CA Remote Online Notary Act - Matt Miller on 1/12/22 10:21am
 I Thought You Were Against RON - PegiT_MN on 1/12/22 10:30am
 Re: I Thought You Were Against RON - Matt Miller on 1/12/22 10:50am
 CA seems to be doing it right. Don't think other states did. - Lee/AR on 1/12/22 11:34am
 Re: Thanks Lee for your clear perspective and support! n/m - Matt Miller on 1/12/22 12:08pm
 Very well said! It's not the same RON bill! n/m -  JanetK_CA on 1/12/22 1:58pm
 Agree with Janet and Lee! n/m - ananotary on 1/12/22 2:35pm
 Thank You For The Information - PegiT_MN on 1/12/22 12:20pm
 Re: You're welcome! Thanks for your support! n/m - Matt Miller on 1/12/22 12:25pm
 Re: I Thought You Were Against RON -  BrendaTx on 1/13/22 7:21am
 PS If you are wondering about costs of platforms... -  BrendaTx on 1/13/22 7:26am
 Thanks Brenda! Finally, -  Yoli/CA on 1/13/22 12:43pm
 Re: And IMO, Brenda is the only one who knows what she’s - Carolyn Bodley on 1/13/22 2:41pm
 Thanks Brenda for 'the things we don't know' - Lee/AR on 1/13/22 11:01am
 Re: Bren, your experience and knowledge speaks volumes - Carolyn Bodley on 1/13/22 11:13am
 Re: I Thought You Were Against RON - VT_Syrup on 1/13/22 1:13pm
 Re: I Thought You Were Against RON -  BrendaTx on 1/13/22 2:23pm
 Re: I Thought You Were Against RON -  BrendaTx on 1/13/22 3:27pm
 Sounds like time-consuming process - Lee/AR on 1/13/22 4:25pm
 Re: Sounds like time-consuming process - VT_Syrup on 1/13/22 5:07pm
 Thank you, Brenda! Valuable feedback... -  JanetK_CA on 1/13/22 3:30pm
 Re: Thank you, Brenda! Valuable feedback... - NVLSlady/VA on 1/14/22 1:27pm
 Quit advertising your agenda - Luckydog on 1/12/22 10:40am
 Re: Quit advertising your agenda - Matt Miller on 1/12/22 10:51am
 Re: Quit advertising your agenda - Luckydog on 1/12/22 11:22am
 Re: Quit advertising your agenda - Matt Miller on 1/12/22 12:06pm
 ENIUGH!! Both of you - Linda_H/FL on 1/12/22 11:13am get the point n/m - Linda_H/FL on 1/12/22 11:13am
 Amen! -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/12/22 12:00pm
 Who Are You Talking About? - PegiT_MN on 1/12/22 12:23pm
 Re: Amen! - Luckydog on 1/12/22 12:53pm
 Re: Shame on you Reneee - Matt Miller on 1/12/22 12:58pm
 Re: Amen! -  JanetK_CA on 1/12/22 2:18pm
 Re: Amen! - ananotary on 1/12/22 5:25pm
 Thanks Matt! n/m - CH2inCA on 1/12/22 11:56am
 Re: Thanks Matt! -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/12/22 12:03pm
 Re: Thank you Cheryl! n/m - Matt Miller on 1/12/22 12:07pm
 Re: Thanks Matt! - Luckydog on 1/12/22 12:42pm
 Re: You're right Renee - Matt Miller on 1/12/22 12:52pm
 Help Us Out Here Matt! - PegiT_MN on 1/12/22 12:51pm
 Re: Help In on the Way! - Matt Miller on 1/12/22 12:54pm
 One question - Luckydog on 1/12/22 1:18pm
 Re: One question - Matt Miller on 1/12/22 1:25pm
 Thank You Matt! You Explained It So Well! - PegiT_MN on 1/12/22 1:25pm
 Re: Help Us Out Here Matt! - VT_Syrup on 1/12/22 1:29pm
 You Are Absolutely Correct VT-Syrup - PegiT_MN on 1/12/22 1:39pm
 Re: Thanks Matt! -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/12/22 2:50pm

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