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Re: RE Commissions soon will be cut in half per NAR
Posted by Bear900/CA of CA on 3/19/24 1:26am Msg #648019
Here's a possible scenario...

In CA, a real estate broker may be a double agent, that is, represent the buyer and the seller.

They can take a 2.5% fee from both buyer and seller and make more than they usually make now.
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Messages in this Thread
 RE Commissions soon will be cut in half per NAR -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/16/24 12:07pm
 Re: RE Commissions soon will be cut in half per NAR -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/16/24 12:15pm
 Re: RE Commissions soon will be cut in half per NAR -  Expeditor on 3/19/24 12:03am
 Re: RE Commissions soon will be cut in half per NAR - Julie/MI on 3/21/24 7:25am
 Still in the 'what do we do now' stage... - Lee/AR on 3/16/24 5:19pm
 Re: Still in the 'what do we do now' stage... - SteveS/CA on 3/16/24 7:26pm
 Additional explanation -  Yoli/CA on 3/18/24 10:59am
 Re: Still in the - Bear900/CA on 3/19/24 12:55am
 Re: Still in the - Julie/MI on 3/21/24 7:29am
 Re: Still in the - Bear900/CA on 3/19/24 1:17am
 Re: RE Commissions soon will be cut in half per NAR - Bear900/CA on 3/19/24 1:26am
 As I said before: be careful what you wish for n/m - Lee/AR on 3/19/24 2:52pm
 Re: RE Commissions soon will be cut in half per NAR - Julie/MI on 3/21/24 7:30am
 Re: RE Commissions soon will be cut in half per NAR - Bear900/CA on 3/21/24 2:38pm

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