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Re: RE Commissions soon will be cut in half per NAR
Posted by Julie/MI of MI on 3/21/24 7:25am Msg #648046
Don't read the headlines, that sells papers or entices clicks.

I am a real estate agent.

NAR never set the commission in the first place. It simply means the selling agent (aka buyer's agent) will not have their compensation published in the MLS when the listing agent (seller's agent) puts the home for sale. I believe Connecticut has had this system in place for a while.

Buyers will have to compensation their agent, (which will be difficult, waiting for this to play out) or compensation can still be paid by the seller, as part of negotiations.

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Messages in this Thread
 RE Commissions soon will be cut in half per NAR -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/16/24 12:07pm
 Re: RE Commissions soon will be cut in half per NAR -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/16/24 12:15pm
 Re: RE Commissions soon will be cut in half per NAR -  Expeditor on 3/19/24 12:03am
 Re: RE Commissions soon will be cut in half per NAR - Julie/MI on 3/21/24 7:25am
 Still in the 'what do we do now' stage... - Lee/AR on 3/16/24 5:19pm
 Re: Still in the 'what do we do now' stage... - SteveS/CA on 3/16/24 7:26pm
 Additional explanation -  Yoli/CA on 3/18/24 10:59am
 Re: Still in the - Bear900/CA on 3/19/24 12:55am
 Re: Still in the - Julie/MI on 3/21/24 7:29am
 Re: Still in the - Bear900/CA on 3/19/24 1:17am
 Re: RE Commissions soon will be cut in half per NAR - Bear900/CA on 3/19/24 1:26am
 As I said before: be careful what you wish for n/m - Lee/AR on 3/19/24 2:52pm
 Re: RE Commissions soon will be cut in half per NAR - Julie/MI on 3/21/24 7:30am
 Re: RE Commissions soon will be cut in half per NAR - Bear900/CA on 3/21/24 2:38pm

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