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Re: Due Diligence
Posted by Anna Fox of TX on 6/6/24 7:12am Msg #648577
Yes @Yoli I agree on the research, and we do that. I also agree on canceling when you see negative info bc likely there is more out there.

But it's the new, never heard of folks I am not sure how to vet. I only have a few services that give regular work, so having to vet unknowns is where I am stumped. The idea that I am expected to work for free and extend credit terms to unknown players is mystifying to me. In my FT job we would never sell and give terms without a credit app, review of D&B, signed agreements.

But in this space we are expected to take people at their word.

It just seems ironic. We are in a role to verify identity for real legal purposes but then expected to just offer terms blindly on honor.
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Messages in this Thread
 Signing Service Scammers - How do you make sure you get paid - TxFox on 6/5/24 8:05pm
 Due Diligence -  Yoli/CA on 6/5/24 8:46pm
 Re: Due Diligence - Anna Fox on 6/6/24 7:12am
 Re: Due Diligence -  Yoli/CA on 6/6/24 7:57am
 Re: Signing Service Scammers - How do you make sure you get paid -  Cheryl Elliott on 6/6/24 9:19am

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