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Re: Illinois Notary madee an error or am I wrong?
Posted by Linda of ? on 11/25/04 11:22amMsg #12015
I'm sorry but I don't know Illinois laws. However, my State does not allow us
to add any certificates to the documents. The documents have to have all the
notarial information on them. According to the Laws, we are not allowed to
make any judgments regarding the legal parts (need of something or not)
of the documents (UPL).
I have read many times on these boards that someone from my State has
add a certificate -- they obviously do not know the compiled laws.

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Messages in this Thread
 Illinois Notary madee an error or am I wrong? - Glena/NV on 11/25/04 2:27am
 Re: Illinois Notary madee an error or am I wrong? - Linda on 11/25/04 11:22am
 Re: Illinois Notary madee an error or am I wrong? - Glena/NV on 11/25/04 1:48pm
 Further Proof of My Theory - Bob-Chicago on 11/25/04 2:53pm
 Thank you, Bob-Chicago for backing that up... - Glena/NV on 11/25/04 5:10pm
 Re: Thank you, Bob-Chicago for backing that up... - Ali-IL on 11/25/04 5:33pm
 Ali, you are right! I apologize and I stand corrected... - Glena/NV on 11/25/04 5:53pm
 Re: Further Proof of My Theory - Paul_IL on 11/26/04 12:12pm

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