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Thank you, Bob-Chicago for backing that up...
Posted by Glena/NV of ? on 11/25/04 5:10pm Msg #12036
You are right! Even for $50 signings, these people are not qualified. I wish that before they go out and notarize that they should get familiar with their state laws first. I do not know if there is any state in the United States that would allow you to notarize without the venue and notarial wording...ignorance could cost them their commission and in this case could possibly cost the loan not to close on time.

I admire those who take time to learn before they go out. It is better to ask plenty of matter how stupid you think they are, than to not ask the question, pretend that you know what you are doing and gamble at the risk of someone else's loan.

For you, Linda, you have to be doing or practicing something outside the scope of notarial acts inorder to be fit the description of UPL. You should go back and re-learn your notarial handbook to how to handle this type of situation or any other situation before you offer anyone an advice. It is obvious that you would have handled it the same way since you said that you would not add a certificate since your state does not allow it. Try reading your handbook or ask you SOS to see how they would want you to handle situations like this before you got out and do the same thing....And do not jump the gun on someone when they ask for matter how an expert you are in this were once someone who needed someone else's advice... BE NICE ABOUT IT! Or don't offer any advice at all. No one deserves that treatment!

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Messages in this Thread
 Illinois Notary madee an error or am I wrong? - Glena/NV on 11/25/04 2:27am
 Re: Illinois Notary madee an error or am I wrong? - Linda on 11/25/04 11:22am
 Re: Illinois Notary madee an error or am I wrong? - Glena/NV on 11/25/04 1:48pm
 Further Proof of My Theory - Bob-Chicago on 11/25/04 2:53pm
 Thank you, Bob-Chicago for backing that up... - Glena/NV on 11/25/04 5:10pm
 Re: Thank you, Bob-Chicago for backing that up... - Ali-IL on 11/25/04 5:33pm
 Ali, you are right! I apologize and I stand corrected... - Glena/NV on 11/25/04 5:53pm
 Re: Further Proof of My Theory - Paul_IL on 11/26/04 12:12pm

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