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Thank you, Les, for the polite response...
Posted by  trnsa_IL of IL on 1/12/10 12:37pm Msg #317737
the only skill needed is the determination to work for our worth, say "No" as often as necessary, and value ourselves and family more than the almighty dollar.

God Bless!
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Messages in this Thread
 A long response to those that replied to my "shooting" post -  Les_CO on 1/11/10 10:52pm
 Re: A long response to those that replied to my "shooting" post - Lee/AR on 1/11/10 11:50pm
 Re: Lee -  Les_CO on 1/12/10 10:21am
 Re: A long response to those that replied to my "shooting" post -  trnsa_IL on 1/12/10 10:33am
 Re: Tonya -  Les_CO on 1/12/10 11:42am
 Thank you, Les, for the polite response... -  trnsa_IL on 1/12/10 12:37pm
 Excellent post Les...... -  John_NorCal on 1/12/10 9:29am
 Re: A long response to those that replied to my "shooting" post -  Notarysigner on 1/12/10 9:49am
 Just added it to #33325 - Laura_V on 1/12/10 10:06am
 Re: A long response to those that replied to my "shooting" post - Moneyman/TX on 1/12/10 10:20am
 Re: Moneyman -  Les_CO on 1/12/10 10:43am
 Re: les - Moneyman/TX on 1/12/10 11:20am
 Re: les -  Les_CO on 1/12/10 12:00pm
 Re: les - Moneyman/TX on 1/12/10 12:04pm
 Re: les -  Les_CO on 1/12/10 12:36pm
 I completely agree, Les... -  trnsa_IL on 1/12/10 12:27pm
 Let me also say.... -  trnsa_IL on 1/12/10 12:31pm

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