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# Replies

Re: Insurance inspections  -  SteveS/CA on 4/14/24 10:38am
Re: Insurance inspections  -   Yoli/CA on 4/14/24 11:44am
Yep. Fee has to stand by itself. Cuz it's close rarely works  -  Lee/AR on 4/14/24 12:18pm
Re: Yep. Fee has to stand by itself. Cuz it  -  SteveS/CA on 4/14/24 12:39pm
Re: Yep. Fee has to stand by itself. Cuz it  -   JanetK_CA on 4/14/24 4:11pm
Re: Yep. Fee has to stand by itself. Cuz it  -  SC/CA on 4/14/24 5:39pm
Re: Yep. Fee has to stand by itself. Cuz it  -   JanetK_CA on 4/15/24 4:00am
Re: Yep. Fee has to stand by itself. Cuz it  -  SteveS/CA on 4/14/24 8:02pm
Re: Insurance inspections  -   Cheryl Elliott on 4/14/24 10:18pm
Re: Insurance inspections  -  Bravo on 4/15/24 4:58pm
Re: Insurance inspections Agree with Bravo n/m  -  HeatherR/CA on 4/15/24 6:06pm
California RON?  -  CH2inCA on 4/10/24 5:26pm (9 Replies)
What's to say? RON notaries can be anywhere. n/m  -  Lee/AR on 4/10/24 5:38pm
Fortunately, not in all counties in California  -   Yoli/CA on 4/11/24 7:19am
It's just a matter of time  -  CH2inCA on 4/11/24 7:35pm
Re: California RON?  -   JanetK_CA on 4/11/24 3:17pm
Re: California RON?  -  Linda_H/FL on 4/11/24 3:41pm
Re: California RON? Recording electronic deed?  -  VT_Syrup on 4/12/24 8:17am
Re: California RON? Recording electronic deed?  -   JanetK_CA on 4/13/24 12:28am
Shame how this has turned out. Sad. Disgusting. n/m  -  Lee/AR on 4/11/24 3:58pm
Re: Shame how this has turned out. Sad. Disgusting.  -  CH2inCA on 4/11/24 7:31pm
legal size paper Staples  -  anotaryinva on 4/7/24 4:33pm (3 Replies)
Re: legal size paper Staples  -   Yoli/CA on 4/7/24 5:00pm
Re: legal size paper Staples  -  anotaryinva on 4/7/24 5:06pm
Re: legal size paper Staples  -  anotaryinva on 4/15/24 6:08pm
Video meeting with VT notary officials  -  VT_Syrup on 4/5/24 4:09pm
notary self employment tax  -  Gavina Franklin on 4/5/24 11:14am (10 Replies)
Re: notary self employment tax  -   Yoli/CA on 4/5/24 12:05pm
Re: notary self employment tax  -  NJordan/IA on 4/5/24 12:22pm
So that's the gotcha if state doesn't set max. N fee?? n/m  -  Lee/AR on 4/5/24 1:27pm
Re: notary self employment tax  -  Gavina Franklin on 4/6/24 9:30am
Re: notary self employment tax  -   Yoli/CA on 4/6/24 10:32am
Thank you, Yoli...seems clear as day  -  Linda_H/FL on 4/6/24 8:39pm
Re: Thank you, Yoli...seems clear as day  -   JanetK_CA on 4/6/24 10:34pm
Re: Thank you, Yoli...seems clear as day  -  VT_Syrup on 4/7/24 7:50am
Re: Thank you, Yoli...seems clear as day  -   Doris_CO on 4/7/24 4:26pm
Re: notary self employment tax  -  Jules on 4/8/24 2:33pm
Anyone attending DocuSign Momentum Online on April 18? n/m  -  Colonel/IA on 4/4/24 9:35am
Gibbs & Mason LPG  -   David Everett on 4/3/24 5:23pm (2 Replies)
Re: Gibbs & Mason LPG  -   Cheryl Elliott on 4/3/24 9:07pm
Re: Gibbs & Mason LPG  -  Anna Fox on 5/8/24 5:15pm
memory lane  -  anotaryinva on 4/3/24 4:21pm (5 Replies)
Re: memory lane - Those were the days! ;>)  -   JanetK_CA on 4/3/24 5:42pm
Re: memory lane - Those were the days! ;>)  -   Cheryl Elliott on 4/5/24 10:31am
Miss PAW, Sylvia's wisdom (& even CaliNotary's unique 'way') n/m  -  Lee/AR on 4/5/24 12:00pm
Great memories of mentors we all shared respect 4 knowledge  -   Cheryl Elliott on 4/7/24 1:16pm
Re: Great memories of mentors we all shared respect 4 knowledge  -  anotaryinva on 4/7/24 5:05pm
My first small claims action against a nonpaying deadbeat  -   Cheryl Elliott on 4/3/24 4:03pm (27 Replies)
QUESTION FOR SOME SOLID INPUT  -   Cheryl Elliott on 4/3/24 4:50pm
Re: QUESTION FOR SOME SOLID INPUT  -   JanetK_CA on 4/3/24 5:46pm
iME you bring suit against the entity who promised to pay  -  Linda_H/FL on 4/4/24 8:09am
Re: iME you bring suit against the entity who promised to pay  -   Cheryl Elliott on 4/4/24 8:41am
If the court rules for you how are you going to collect?  -  Colonel/IA on 4/4/24 9:16am
Re: If the court rules for you how are you going to collect?  -   Cheryl Elliott on 4/4/24 11:32am
File against both him and his business....  -  Linda_H/FL on 4/4/24 11:49am
Re: File against both him and his business....  -   Cheryl Elliott on 4/4/24 2:56pm
Re: File against both him and his business....  -  Bear900/CA on 4/4/24 7:42pm
Re: File against both him and his business.... n/m  -  Lee/AR on 4/5/24 7:02am
Oops...Agree w/Bear900. Save your $. Do as Bear said first  -  Lee/AR on 4/5/24 7:15am
Re: File against both him and his business....  -   Cheryl Elliott on 4/5/24 10:33am
Re: File against both him and his business....  -  Bear900/CA on 4/5/24 11:57am
Unless he pays b4 court, I don't think you'll get a dime.  -  Lee/AR on 4/4/24 3:07pm
Yep. Will spend more than owed. n/m  -  Bear900/CA on 4/4/24 7:44pm
Just went back and re-read this part: n/m  -  Bear900/CA on 4/5/24 9:58am
Oops..blasted 'enter key  -  Bear900/CA on 4/5/24 10:04am
Thank you, everyone. Esply Bear.  -   Cheryl Elliott on 4/5/24 12:08pm
Re: My first small claims action against a nonpaying deadbeat  -   Yoli/CA on 4/5/24 2:22pm
Re: My first small claims action against a nonpaying deadbeat  -   Cheryl Elliott on 4/5/24 4:57pm
At about 4pm I received confirmation that a money order  -   Cheryl Elliott on 4/6/24 8:48am
Did you receive your payment, Cheryl? n/m  -   Yoli/CA on 4/10/24 12:37pm
I've added this thread to Msg # 630000  -   JanetK_CA on 4/6/24 10:20pm
Thanks, Janet. One of those ah-ha momentos  -   Cheryl Elliott on 4/7/24 12:05pm
My system blocked link as potential security risk  -   JanetK_CA on 4/7/24 5:52pm
Re: My system blocked link as potential security risk  -   Cheryl Elliott on 4/7/24 6:48pm
Re: Thanks, Janet. One of those ah-ha momentos  -  Bear900/CA on 4/7/24 11:54pm
What would you charge for a refi- 175 pages and scanbacks  -   Leslie_Mo on 4/3/24 10:14am (11 Replies)
Re: What would you charge for a refi- 175 pages and scanbacks  -   Yoli/CA on 4/3/24 10:20am
Agree with Yoli n/m  -  Lee/AR on 4/3/24 12:32pm
Re: Agree with Yoli too  -  Linda_H/FL on 4/3/24 12:43pm
Re: What would you charge for a refi- 175 pages and scanbacks  -   JanetK_CA on 4/3/24 6:45pm
Re: What would you charge for a refi- 175 pages and scanbacks  -   Cheryl Elliott on 4/3/24 10:20am
Re: What would you charge for a refi- 175 pages and scanbacks  -   Leslie_Mo on 4/3/24 10:27am
Re: What would you charge for a refi- 175 pages and scanbacks  -   Cheryl Elliott on 4/3/24 1:45pm
Re: What would you charge for a refi- 175 pages and scanbacks  -  ananotary on 4/3/24 3:58pm
Is this a direct signing or through a SS? n/m  -  ananotary on 4/3/24 3:58pm
Let me guess? ORT?  -  FeliseSoCal on 4/4/24 3:23pm
Re: Let me guess? ORT?  -   Cheryl Elliott on 4/4/24 4:10pm
Title 365  -  JMoniqueC on 4/3/24 9:31am (11 Replies)
Re: Title 365  -  Michael Dosham on 4/3/24 10:07am
Title 365 same as Avenue 365?  -   Yoli/CA on 4/3/24 10:17am
Re: Title 365 same as Avenue 365?  -  Michael Dosham on 4/3/24 10:50am
Re: Title 365 same as Avenue 365?  -  JMoniqueC on 4/3/24 11:22am
What kind of 'errors' are they talking about? n/m  -  Lee/AR on 4/3/24 12:41pm
Re: What kind of  -  JMoniqueC on 4/3/24 5:09pm
What a hodge-podge. Read 3 times & still not sure  -  Lee/AR on 4/4/24 7:29am
Re: Title 365  -  SteveS/CA on 4/3/24 10:50am
Re: Title 365  -  pdl/cali on 4/8/24 8:47pm
Re: Title 365  -  SteveS/CA on 4/10/24 3:20pm
Re: Title 365  -  Kellosh/CA on 7/17/24 3:14pm
Quality Signing Service, 520-906-0095  -   Doris_CO on 4/2/24 6:22pm (2 Replies)
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