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YES it really IS open to interpretation
Posted by JanetLA of LA on 5/4/07 8:28am Msg #188761
Unfortunately law school does teach you to read and understand every word. The loan application says very clearly right above the signature lines "If this is an application for joint credit, Borrower and Co-Borrower each agree that we intend to apply for joint credit (sign below). Most signing companies have borrowers sign every time to avoid confusion. However, there is a misunderstanding because there is no law or guideline that says that a single borrower must sign. The title/signing companies just find it easier to have everyone sign since it will not invalidate the document. I understand the importance of completion of forms and the need to not leave blank lines... Three years of law school teach a person some things. But I do not agree that it is mandatory. Maybe in practice it is understood that a single and joint credit borrower will always sign, but in fact, it IS NOT the law, or the rule. Have a great weekend to all.
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Messages in this Thread
 new 1003 - Mary Irene Mccomb on 5/3/07 7:28pm
 Re: new 1003 -  Lisa Prestegard on 5/3/07 8:11pm
 Re: new 1003 - Lisa -  Sylvia_FL on 5/3/07 10:27pm
 Re: new 1003 - Lisa -  Lisa Prestegard on 5/3/07 11:10pm
 Re: new 1003 - Lisa -  LynnNC on 5/4/07 8:10am
 Where? - JanetLA on 5/3/07 9:01pm
 No, it really isn't open to interpretation -  Lisa Prestegard on 5/3/07 9:52pm
 Re: No, it really isn't open to interpretation - GF_CA on 5/3/07 10:24pm
 Re: No, it really isn't open to interpretation - pan/nd on 5/3/07 10:25pm
 Yes, it could (and should) be more simply put... -  Lisa Prestegard on 5/3/07 11:03pm
 Re: Yes, it could (and should) be more simply put... - pan/nd on 5/3/07 11:15pm
 From one mouse to another, I couldn't agree more -  Lisa Prestegard on 5/3/07 11:27pm
 YES it really IS open to interpretation - JanetLA on 5/4/07 8:28am
 Agree, JanetLA. I have single BOs put 'N/A' to show (s)he -  Susan Fischer on 5/5/07 10:59pm
 Re: new 1003 -  Joe Ewing on 5/3/07 10:48pm
 Re: new 1003 -  Joan Bergstrom on 5/3/07 11:12pm
 Maybe this will explain it... -  Lisa Prestegard on 5/3/07 11:24pm
 Re: Maybe this will explain it... - pan/nd on 5/3/07 11:37pm
 PAW has convinced me that the intent of the regulatory.... - Bob_Chicago on 5/4/07 1:15am
 Think who we are and what we do -  Ndwa on 5/4/07 2:41am
 Re: Think who we are and what we do -  Lisa Prestegard on 5/4/07 6:39am
 Crazy as it seems -  BrendaTx on 5/4/07 7:20am
 Re: Crazy as it seems - LauriecPA on 5/4/07 8:20am
 I do both ways... - Lee/AR on 5/4/07 8:30am
 One Would Think... -  Dennis D Broadbooks on 5/4/07 8:43am
 Re: One Would Think... - JanetLA on 5/4/07 8:56am
 Why Not? - Brad/AZ on 5/4/07 9:47am
 Re: One Would Think... -  BrendaTx on 5/4/07 12:57pm
 Re: new 1003 - Elizabeth Soliday on 5/4/07 12:40pm

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