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why only 1 listed to give signature
Posted by Anonymous from of AK on 5/15/06 1:04pm Msg #119922
when there is a borrower and coborrower?

I have received a few packages that have both a borrower and coborrower but on certain forms such as the 1003 and quite a few others, there isn't any coborrower info (their name is not listed, job info, nothing) as though there is only one borrower. But on most of the other forms they are listed. Do you have them fill out the forms like this and sign or only have them sign where their name is listed?
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Messages in this Thread
 why only 1 listed to give signature - Anonymous from on 5/15/06 1:04pm
 Re: why only 1 listed to give signature -  lulu on 5/15/06 1:19pm
 Re: why only 1 listed to give signature - Anonymous from on 5/15/06 1:25pm
 Re: why only 1 listed to give signature -  lulu on 5/15/06 1:30pm
 Re: why only 1 listed to give signature - Anonymous from on 5/15/06 1:43pm
 Re: why only 1 listed to give signature -  lulu on 5/15/06 1:30pm
 Re: why only 1 listed to give signature -  lulu on 5/15/06 1:30pm
 Re: why only 1 listed to give signature -  Joan_OH on 5/15/06 1:50pm
 Re: why only 1 listed to give signature - Anonymous from on 5/15/06 2:05pm
 Re: why only 1 listed to give signature -  Joan_OH on 5/15/06 3:10pm
 Re: why only 1 listed to give signature - Anonymous from on 5/15/06 3:18pm

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