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Re: Well, Brenda
Posted by FastCA of CA on 5/19/06 11:58pm Msg #121216
That would be Mr. Errol Flynn, he had quite a record, or so they say! Smile
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Messages in this Thread
 Have you noticed...former Escrow Officers joining us now -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 12:23pm
 Brenda, you were reading my mind -  Kelly M Robertson on 5/19/06 12:57pm
 Re: Brenda, you were reading my mind -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 3:30pm
 Re: Have you noticed...former Escrow Officers joining us now -  LkArrowhd/CA on 5/19/06 1:24pm
 It just takes a little time, perseverance & a + attitude - lonestar_tx on 5/19/06 6:01pm
 Re: Have you noticed...former Escrow Officers joining us now -  Joe Ewing on 5/19/06 6:10pm
 What's bully cut mean? Joe...Ferris...anyone? n/m -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 7:50pm
 Re: What's bully cut mean? Joe...Ferris...anyone? -  MistarellaFL on 5/19/06 7:53pm
 Re: What's bully cut mean? Joe...Ferris...anyone? -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 8:57pm
 At least they are not asking -  MistarellaFL on 5/19/06 7:25pm
 Escrow Officers -  TitleGalCA on 5/19/06 8:52pm
 Re: Escrow Officers - very sensible! thanks TGal n/m -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 8:56pm
 Well, Brenda -  TitleGalCA on 5/19/06 9:10pm
 Re: Well, Brenda - FastCA on 5/19/06 11:58pm
 Re: "In like Flynn" and other sundries -  ReneeK_MI on 5/20/06 4:06am

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