I love it, something new to research, and another cool site found. www.worldwidewords.org says this about the phrase:
"It’s suggested by some writers that the phrase really originated with another Flynn, Edward J Flynn—“Boss” Flynn—a campaign manager for the Democratic Party during FDR’s presidency. Flynn’s machine in the South Bronx in New York was so successful at winning elections that his candidates seemed to get into office automatically."
On the topic of former Inside people moving to the Outside - my opinions mirror those already posted, for the most part. Having both title & lending experience has definitely helped me, and not just in understanding docs & processes, and contacts/marketing opportunities - but in being able to empathize with everyone who's part of this Machine. I'd have to say that I learned the most about All This Stuff & gained the most valuable contacts working in wholesale lending, but by then I'd already been through title and that's invaluable experience also. It also depends on the specific jobs people perform Inside - plenty of jobs are very specific, and you're not exposed to much beyond those specifics. Someone coming out of a smaller title office would probably have a wider experience, the Head Honcho & Chief Bottle Washer type jobs, you know?
The trends I saw in the last few years Inside were, in my opinion, designed to hold employees to their cubbies and limit their exposure (i.e. marketability). It began by wanting to hire inexperienced people (less pay!), teach them only what was vital to their 'slot', and to have more slots (thereby - less training required, less exposure/marketable skills & better attrition rates, all on less wages). Consequently, there are lots of people with "title exp" or "lending exp" whose knowledge is pretty limited & specific.