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Blue Ink or Black Ink
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 10/27/23 10:59amMsg #647062
I've been in this biz since January 2006 -- over 17 years -- in California. Throughout that time, most lenders *prefer* blue ink for their packages.

Exception: **Usually** Bank of America requires black ink. Once in a great while, no mention of ink color is made in the package and I proceed with blue ink, with no repercussion.

Then, we have JP Morgan Chase via Amrock with the following instruction: "Documents must be signed in black or blue ink, exactly as stated below the signature line, unless otherwise indicated. Use black ink for all hand printed or stamped information." That would lead me to believe borrowers can sign in either color BUT any blank fill-ins and notarial cert entries must be in black ink (other than notary signature, which can be in either color). Why bother? Why not just instruct to use black ink? Is it because if they specify one particular ink color to use then the notary becomes an employee (telling the notary how to do the job)? Or, are they just checking to see if the notary can follow instructions? Or, do they like multi-colored packages? Wink

Had one last night and went with all black ink. So much easier! Smile

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Messages in this Thread
 Blue Ink or Black Ink -  Yoli/CA on 10/27/23 10:59am
 Don't think they bother to read their own instructions. n/m - Lee/AR on 10/27/23 11:07am
 Re: Blue Ink or Black Ink - SteveS/CA on 10/27/23 2:27pm
 There are still a few states that require black in, NY is -  MW/VA on 10/29/23 11:30am
 Re: There are still a few states that require black in, NY is - Clem/CA on 10/29/23 12:17pm
 Re: There are still a few states that require black in, NY is - jnew on 10/29/23 2:17pm
 Re: There are still a few states that require black in, NY is - jojo_MN on 10/30/23 3:30pm
 Re: There are still a few states that require black in, NY is -  JanetK_CA on 10/30/23 7:03pm
 NY is strange ... - BobbiCT on 10/30/23 9:44am
 Re: NY is strange ... -  JanetK_CA on 10/30/23 7:08pm
 Re: There are still a few states that require black in, NY is - VT_Syrup on 10/31/23 6:33am
 Thanks. I'm thinking it's not about the signature. n/m -  MW/VA on 10/31/23 8:16am
 I've done some transactions for NY & they required black ink n/m -  MW/VA on 10/29/23 5:23pm
 Re: I - Clem/CA on 10/30/23 8:12am
 Re: I...Clem - Linda_H/FL on 10/30/23 8:56am
 Re: I...Clem - Clem/CA on 10/30/23 4:56pm
 Re: Blue Ink or Black Ink - Cynthia Bixby on 10/29/23 4:56pm
 Re: Blue Ink or Black Ink - jojo_MN on 10/30/23 3:25pm
 Re: Blue Ink or Black Ink - Leo_FL on 10/31/23 7:11am

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