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Re: NY is strange ...
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 10/30/23 7:08pm Msg #647088
Now I'm wondering if my comments about Wisconsin should have been about New York instead. (Or both?) I've done some signings for New York more recently, though, and don't recall any mention of ink color. I'll pay close attention to that should another one pop up from either state...
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 Blue Ink or Black Ink -  Yoli/CA on 10/27/23 10:59am
 Don't think they bother to read their own instructions. n/m - Lee/AR on 10/27/23 11:07am
 Re: Blue Ink or Black Ink - SteveS/CA on 10/27/23 2:27pm
 There are still a few states that require black in, NY is -  MW/VA on 10/29/23 11:30am
 Re: There are still a few states that require black in, NY is - Clem/CA on 10/29/23 12:17pm
 Re: There are still a few states that require black in, NY is - jnew on 10/29/23 2:17pm
 Re: There are still a few states that require black in, NY is - jojo_MN on 10/30/23 3:30pm
 Re: There are still a few states that require black in, NY is -  JanetK_CA on 10/30/23 7:03pm
 NY is strange ... - BobbiCT on 10/30/23 9:44am
 Re: NY is strange ... -  JanetK_CA on 10/30/23 7:08pm
 Re: There are still a few states that require black in, NY is - VT_Syrup on 10/31/23 6:33am
 Thanks. I'm thinking it's not about the signature. n/m -  MW/VA on 10/31/23 8:16am
 I've done some transactions for NY & they required black ink n/m -  MW/VA on 10/29/23 5:23pm
 Re: I - Clem/CA on 10/30/23 8:12am
 Re: I...Clem - Linda_H/FL on 10/30/23 8:56am
 Re: I...Clem - Clem/CA on 10/30/23 4:56pm
 Re: Blue Ink or Black Ink - Cynthia Bixby on 10/29/23 4:56pm
 Re: Blue Ink or Black Ink - jojo_MN on 10/30/23 3:25pm
 Re: Blue Ink or Black Ink - Leo_FL on 10/31/23 7:11am

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