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Re: I...Clem
Posted by Linda_H/FL of FL on 10/30/23 8:56am Msg #647078
There are a couple states that require black ink in certs.. don't recall offhand which ones. Also, some recorders require black ink only
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 Blue Ink or Black Ink -  Yoli/CA on 10/27/23 10:59am
 Don't think they bother to read their own instructions. n/m - Lee/AR on 10/27/23 11:07am
 Re: Blue Ink or Black Ink - SteveS/CA on 10/27/23 2:27pm
 There are still a few states that require black in, NY is -  MW/VA on 10/29/23 11:30am
 Re: There are still a few states that require black in, NY is - Clem/CA on 10/29/23 12:17pm
 Re: There are still a few states that require black in, NY is - jnew on 10/29/23 2:17pm
 Re: There are still a few states that require black in, NY is - jojo_MN on 10/30/23 3:30pm
 Re: There are still a few states that require black in, NY is -  JanetK_CA on 10/30/23 7:03pm
 NY is strange ... - BobbiCT on 10/30/23 9:44am
 Re: NY is strange ... -  JanetK_CA on 10/30/23 7:08pm
 Re: There are still a few states that require black in, NY is - VT_Syrup on 10/31/23 6:33am
 Thanks. I'm thinking it's not about the signature. n/m -  MW/VA on 10/31/23 8:16am
 I've done some transactions for NY & they required black ink n/m -  MW/VA on 10/29/23 5:23pm
 Re: I - Clem/CA on 10/30/23 8:12am
 Re: I...Clem - Linda_H/FL on 10/30/23 8:56am
 Re: I...Clem - Clem/CA on 10/30/23 4:56pm
 Re: Blue Ink or Black Ink - Cynthia Bixby on 10/29/23 4:56pm
 Re: Blue Ink or Black Ink - jojo_MN on 10/30/23 3:25pm
 Re: Blue Ink or Black Ink - Leo_FL on 10/31/23 7:11am

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