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Re: $100? I
Posted by  Mike Goodey of CA on 2/28/24 2:21pm Msg #647861
I'm basically doing GNW. My commission expires in May of 2025 and I'll be hanging up my journal. These fees are ridiculous, except when title cos call but there aren't enough of them to keep steady.

Maybe wife and I should start traveling more, not less!
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Messages in this Thread
 Some things never change -  KimmyMD on 2/28/24 6:47am
 Re: Some things never change -  Yoli/CA on 2/28/24 8:08am
 Re: Some things never change -  Cheryl Elliott on 2/28/24 10:44am
 Re: Some things never change - Julie/MI on 2/28/24 9:13pm
 Re: Some things never change -  Cheryl Elliott on 2/29/24 5:08pm
 Re: Some things never change -  Ernest__CT on 2/28/24 10:45am
 Re: Some things never change. - kcg on 2/28/24 1:32pm
 Re: Some things never change. - Deborah Walker Walker Signing Services on 3/4/24 2:52pm
 $100? I'm seeing $80...& some new fool is taking it. n/m - Lee/AR on 2/28/24 12:10pm
 Re: $100? I -  Mike Goodey on 2/28/24 2:21pm
 Re: $100? I - SteveS/CA on 2/28/24 3:24pm
 Re: Some things never change - SteveS/CA on 2/28/24 2:17pm
 Re: Some things never change - Julie/MI on 2/28/24 9:16pm
 $65 huh? Hrrmm....odd that number is thrown around so - Linda_H/FL on 2/29/24 9:41am
 Re:UPS&Postal Annex killing GNW in my area. Dime a dozen. n/m - HeatherR/CA on 2/29/24 9:18am
 Re: Some things never change - Leo_FL on 3/2/24 6:11am
 Re: Here's one for $20 - CopperheadTX on 3/2/24 7:29am
 Re: Here's one for $20 - SteveS/CA on 3/2/24 8:56am
 LOL! Good one! These folks must be smoking something... n/m -  JanetK_CA on 3/2/24 3:27pm
 Re: Here - Golden Notary, LLC. on 3/6/24 9:39pm
 LOL someone said they should pay 20$ just to read intro n/m - Golden Notary, LLC. on 3/6/24 9:42pm
 Re: Here -  Expeditor on 3/11/24 7:59am
 Re: Some things never change - SteveS/CA on 3/5/24 8:24am

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