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Re: Not taxable....? WHOA!
Posted by  Marian_in_CA of CA on 1/29/15 12:40am Msg #523359
Well, I certainly no tax expert... but I know about *this* particular issue from personal experience with my husband's SSDI claim. He was working a state job as a student that was exempt for social security taxes -- they paid in to a state fund, but only above a certain amount. He was a student, so hae got nothing. At the time, we had no idea what that really meant except more $$ in our pocket at the time.

Well... a few years later, he has an accident and become permanently disabled. His SSDI claim became a major cluster-you-know-what because, even though he worked, he didn't have Social Security credits. There was no doubt as to his disability... but his benefits are severely reduced because of it and all told, he's lost SSDI benefits in the tens of thousands of dollars, and his monthly payment is half what is should be... all because if a this exemption we didn't understand at the time. Turns out, he could have filed paperwork to not take the exemption, but he was never told this... and we were poor married college students working on-campus jobs. We knew nothing.... until we were in the middle of ALJ hearings and they explained it all. THere was nothing we could really do about it.

It's something people just don't realize and I wish more people did. You really don't know if you'll become disabled... and if you don't have your credits maxed each year through other work... or you aren't independently wealthy... taking the exemption could really come back to haunt you one day.
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Messages in this Thread
 Fees for veterans - Beverly/CA on 1/28/15 12:33pm
 Re: Fees for veterans -  jojo_MN on 1/28/15 12:51pm
 Re: Fees for veterans - Beverly/CA on 1/28/15 12:58pm's only exempt from Self Employment tax -  Linda_H/FL on 1/28/15 12:59pm
 Thank you, Linda. That is what I was trying to say. n/m -  jojo_MN on 1/28/15 1:08pm
 Re: -  sueharke on 1/28/15 9:50pm
 Re: Fees for veterans -  VT_Syrup on 1/28/15 12:57pm
 Re: Fees for veterans -  JanetK_CA on 1/28/15 2:23pm
 w/you JanetK CA--if OP wants to be a charity, go - Darlin_AL on 1/28/15 9:52pm
 Re: Fees for veterans - CH2inCA on 1/28/15 1:36pm
 agree with CH2in CA... - Luckydog on 1/28/15 3:00pm
 Yes, but..... -  Marian_in_CA on 1/28/15 3:07pm
 I agree but - CH2inCA on 1/28/15 4:22pm
 Re: I agree but -  Marian_in_CA on 1/28/15 4:31pm
 Not taxable....? WHOA! -  Marian_in_CA on 1/28/15 2:36pm
 Re: Not taxable....? WHOA! -  sueharke on 1/28/15 9:55pm
 Re: Not taxable....? WHOA! -  Marian_in_CA on 1/29/15 12:40am
 Re: Fees for veterans - Rick Ary on 1/28/15 9:17pm
 I agree with Rick. According to the handbook: - linda/ca on 1/29/15 2:39am
 Re: I agree with Rick. According to the handbook: - ArtG/KS on 1/29/15 10:37am
 Re: I agree with Rick. According to the handbook: -  VT_Syrup on 1/29/15 11:47am
 Re: I agree with Rick. According to the handbook: -  JanetK_CA on 1/29/15 1:22pm

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