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Re: Any tips on improving signing speed?
Posted by Anthony Bessey of ME on 10/26/19 8:32pm Msg #611567
I have been closing loans on my own and as a title company employee since 2003. I was taught how to close a loan by an attorney that wanted to make sure I knew everything about a loan package. Since 2003 I have closed close to 1,100 loans. Please keep in mind there have Been times when I only did loans on an infrequent basis.

For me, a purchase is about the buyers. I tell everyone in the room that I am going to focus the next 25 minutes of my attention on the buyers and their important transaction. I tell them that they are free to stop me at any time if they feel i need to explain something better, but I promise them I will deliver one of the most efficient and informative closings they have even seen. I then deliver on my promise. Over the years I have learned the ins and outs of packages to the point of being able to tell a story and make the experience fun. Most brokers will actually time me to see if I can pull off a signing in 25 minutes. Soup to nuts a purchase is around 35 minutes (I have to make copies while the keys are exchanged, but I am making copies in 25 minutes) and refi’s take about 20 on a bad day.

I also have a lot more tools available to me because of the work I have done. Because I currently work for a title company, I am able to do closings on properties that I have done the abstracting, and title policy preparation during the title process. I also have the experience of handling the post closing process. The more you know about all the different areas of the process, the more it improves your closing skills.

Also I close every loan the same way. None of the document descriptions are treated differently when I am working on my own as a an employee of a title company. The lawyer who initially taught me how to close a loan made sure I knew how to close based on the mechanics of the transaction. All I do is point to the facts and get the signatures. I am willing to answer question if anyone has them. Especially how I explain docs.
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Messages in this Thread
 Any tips on improving signing speed? - Nicholas Kontgas on 10/11/19 11:12pm
 Re: Any tips on improving signing speed? - Lee/AR on 10/12/19 6:27am
 Re: Any tips on improving signing speed? - CW2Ret/VA on 10/12/19 7:06am
 As a 20-yr veteran at this -  Cheryl Elliott on 10/12/19 8:41am
 Re: Any tips on improving signing speed? - Luckydog on 10/12/19 9:59am
 Wanted to add - Luckydog on 10/12/19 10:07am
 Re: Any tips on improving signing speed? - Nicholas Kontgas on 10/12/19 10:20am
 Nicholas, over time you will develop the knack for -  Cheryl Elliott on 10/12/19 11:22am
 Re: Nicholas, over time you will develop the knack for - Nicholas Kontgas on 10/12/19 2:04pm
 First question - Clem/CA on 10/12/19 11:03am
 Re: First question - SteveS/CA on 10/12/19 1:06pm
 Re: First question - Nicholas Kontgas on 10/12/19 2:06pm
 Re: First question - Nicholas Kontgas on 10/12/19 2:05pm
 Re: Any tips on improving signing speed? - Nicholas Kontgas on 10/12/19 2:08pm
 came back and checked for answers - Clem/CA on 10/12/19 5:43pm
 Re: came back and checked for answers - Nicholas Kontgas on 10/12/19 9:08pm
 Some signings take too long for a different reason... - Gary Boehm on 10/13/19 12:45pm
 Re: Some signings take too long for a different reason... - Luckydog on 10/13/19 2:26pm
 Some signings take too long for a different reason... - Gary Boehm on 10/13/19 2:47pm
 Re: Some signings take too long for a different reason... - EagleEye/Ca on 10/13/19 4:31pm
 It's all about the borrower, always -  Cheryl Elliott on 10/13/19 5:19pm
 Re: It - Nicholas Kontgas on 10/14/19 1:33pm
 Re: Some signings take too long for a different reason... - Nicholas Kontgas on 10/13/19 4:43pm
 I find time to have some casual conversation with the -  MW/VA on 10/13/19 8:11pm
 20 Minute signings - Gary Boehm on 10/13/19 3:01pm
 Re: 20 Minute signings - Nicholas Kontgas on 10/14/19 11:04am
 Re: Any tips on improving signing speed? - Anthony Bessey on 10/26/19 8:32pm
 Re: Any tips on improving signing speed? - Nicholas Kontgas on 10/26/19 9:15pm

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