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Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents
Posted by Randy Reeves of TX on 7/7/24 6:05pm Msg #648804
There is a certificate pad for Copy certification, available (if you are member of the NNA).
The Sec of State does not have "Copy Certification" notary certificate on its website, it only lists about 8 pages of Tx Notarial certificates. Get the pads (acknowledgment, Jurat, Copy Certification,) from the NNA or order the copy certification stamp from Amazon, and you will be able to notarize. In addition, they have to write a statement saying it is a true copy it is the statement that you are notarizing.
Almost all websites have those certificates having the phrase "made by me" except the NNA
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Messages in this Thread
 Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - Bella Tarubarova on 7/7/24 4:19pm
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - Randy Reeves on 7/7/24 6:05pm
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - Osmigo on 7/7/24 7:09pm
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents -  JanetK_CA on 7/7/24 8:01pm
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents -  Yoli/CA on 7/8/24 7:17am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - VT_Syrup on 7/8/24 10:04am
 Interesting, VT -  Yoli/CA on 7/8/24 10:24am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - VT_Syrup on 7/8/24 10:20am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents -  Yoli/CA on 7/8/24 10:36am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents -  CPNS2006 on 7/8/24 8:14am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - BrendaTx on 7/24/24 9:39am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - VT_Syrup on 7/8/24 10:11am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - BrendaTx on 7/24/24 9:42am
 The AAN is correct. - BrendaTx on 7/24/24 9:20am
 Re: The AAN is correct. - VT_Syrup on 7/24/24 11:24am
 Re: The AAN is correct. - BrendaTx on 7/24/24 12:22pm
 Re: The AAN is correct. - VT_Syrup on 7/24/24 1:09pm
 Re: The AAN is correct. - VT_Syrup on 7/24/24 1:20pm
 Re: The AAN is correct. - BrendaTx on 7/25/24 4:23pm

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