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Re: The AAN is correct.
Posted by BrendaTx of TX on 7/24/24 12:22pm Msg #648913
The SOS is taxed with producing certificates that we are to use.

They have the language that way in the certificates for a reason. It is specific. A notary performs the act and the certificate memorializes it.

You've seen the notarial training that also incorporates the act specified in the certificate. I'm not sure what else I could produce to show the proper way is to make the copy.
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Messages in this Thread
 Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - Bella Tarubarova on 7/7/24 4:19pm
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - Randy Reeves on 7/7/24 6:05pm
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - Osmigo on 7/7/24 7:09pm
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents -  JanetK_CA on 7/7/24 8:01pm
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents -  Yoli/CA on 7/8/24 7:17am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - VT_Syrup on 7/8/24 10:04am
 Interesting, VT -  Yoli/CA on 7/8/24 10:24am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - VT_Syrup on 7/8/24 10:20am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents -  Yoli/CA on 7/8/24 10:36am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents -  CPNS2006 on 7/8/24 8:14am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - BrendaTx on 7/24/24 9:39am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - VT_Syrup on 7/8/24 10:11am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - BrendaTx on 7/24/24 9:42am
 The AAN is correct. - BrendaTx on 7/24/24 9:20am
 Re: The AAN is correct. - VT_Syrup on 7/24/24 11:24am
 Re: The AAN is correct. - BrendaTx on 7/24/24 12:22pm
 Re: The AAN is correct. - VT_Syrup on 7/24/24 1:09pm
 Re: The AAN is correct. - VT_Syrup on 7/24/24 1:20pm
 Re: The AAN is correct. - BrendaTx on 7/25/24 4:23pm

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