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New vaccine has a secret benefit
Posted by Bear900/CA of CA on 6/9/21 1:44pm Msg #33065
What does the new SHINGRIX vaccine and the soap bark tree have in common?

No matter what, it's always best to check with your doctor. FWIW - my white blood count was on the low side when my doctor ordered I get the 2-part SHINGRIX vaccine. I'm guessing your doctor will give the green light too. But check!

Some things I learned, and discussed this morning with my doctor over the phone. I managed to research and learn a lot before his surprise call, so was informed enough to handle a discussion.

1. The rash will go away no matter what. Usually takes about two weeks. Various topical ointments...yada..
2. Seven days on Valtrex is sufficient enough to battle the virus. Pain will linger but no need to re-up the prescription.
3. Some anti-depressants and some anti-seizure meds may help with lingering PHN pain. I don't know how those work. My doctors started discussing various anti-depressant drugs for the pain and I made clear I would rather endure the pain. That's just me though. Most people opt for various pain-killers.
4. There's no need to re-start the SHINGRIX vaccination regimen if there is a prolonged apse between shots. Just make sure the 2nd shot is administered.
5. No need to seek additional medical attention unless conditions worsen. Recovery is slow no matter what.
6. I can still do physical activity that is safe for me and others.
7. I mentioned my concern is no longer dealing with shingles but with post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN). He agreed and was willing to prescribe pain meds. I turned down his offer. Been there, done that with knee replacements. He encouraged use of Tylenol (for pain) except for an extended period, like 2 months, as could affect liver.

Additional things I learned,
1. PHN pain is among the top pains one can endure. PHN develops from damaged nerves extending out from the spinal cord where the virus hides out and spreads. It can last months, years or life. Think about that....
2. SHINGRIX vaccination will not only protect one from getting the shingles in 90% of people over 50 who had chicken pox, but will also prevent 90% of people who manage to get the virus from developing PHN.
3. PHN can be so severe people have committed suicide.
4. Looking back and looking forward, it was extremely important getting both SHINGRIX shots. Now that I have shingles and feel the pain, the last thing I want is longer, or worse, indefinite lasting pain from PHN.
5. You can find coupons online to reduce the cost of the vaccinations.
6. Yes, the vaccinations will likely hurt, but will not knock you down like the Covid shots, if that happened to you.
7. Whenever you think or hear 'shingles', think PHN. PHN is the killer pain that may endure. Shingles is the cause.

If you are over 50, try your best to get the new SHINGRIX 2-part vaccinations. Even if you get shingles, you have a 90% chance of avoiding PHN. There's hope.
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Messages in this Thread
 Shingles - What the HEY!@*#!? - Bear900/CA on 6/8/21 1:04pm
 Re: Shingles - What the HEY!@*#!? -  Cheryl Elliott on 6/8/21 2:33pm
 Re: Shingles - What the HEY!@*#!? - Bear900/CA on 6/8/21 2:49pm
 Re: Shingles - What the HEY!@*#!? -  JanetK_CA on 6/8/21 2:46pm
 Re: Shingles - What the HEY!@*#!? - Bear900/CA on 6/8/21 2:54pm
 Re: Shingles - What the HEY!@*#!? -  Amigoaz on 6/8/21 4:05pm
 Re: Shingles - What the HEY!@*#!? - Bear900/CA on 6/8/21 5:34pm
 So sorry to learn you've been struck with this painful -  Yoli/CA on 6/9/21 9:16am
 Re: Insurance pd all but $45 for each of the 2 vaccinations n/m - Carolyn Bodley on 6/8/21 6:06pm
 Re: Shingles - What the HEY!@*#!? - Calnotary on 6/11/21 2:05pm
 So sorry to hear that & I was just thinking that we'd hadn't -  MW/VA on 6/8/21 4:37pm
 Re: So sorry to hear that & I was just thinking that we - Bear900/CA on 6/8/21 5:26pm
 Re: So sorry to hear that & I was just thinking that we - Carolyn Bodley on 6/8/21 6:18pm
 Re: So sorry to hear that & I was just thinking that we - Bear900/CA on 6/8/21 7:38pm
 I haven't seen any data on the vaccine, but actually think -  MW/VA on 6/9/21 8:43am
 Re: Shingles are a result of having chicken pox - Carolyn Bodley on 6/9/21 11:26am
 New vaccine has a secret benefit - Bear900/CA on 6/9/21 1:44pm
 Re: New vaccine has a secret benefit - NVLSlady/VA on 6/9/21 1:58pm
 Re: New vaccine has a secret benefit - SC/CA on 6/9/21 4:41pm
 Re: New vaccine has a secret benefit - Bear900/CA on 6/9/21 5:56pm
 Re: New vaccine has a secret benefit - SC/CA on 6/9/21 7:18pm
 Re: New vaccine has a secret benefit - MikeC/TX on 6/10/21 6:07pm
 Re: New vs Old vaccine - Bear900/CA on 6/10/21 7:12pm
 I had my first Shingrix shot Tuesday -  Teresa/FL on 6/11/21 2:51pm
 Update and Bounce Back! - Bear900/CA on 6/11/21 3:46pm
 Re: Update and Bounce Back! - SC/CA on 6/11/21 5:20pm
 Great news - and great attitude! -  JanetK_CA on 6/12/21 2:14pm
 I can relate that my last bout of Shingles was brought on by -  MW/VA on 6/12/21 2:21pm
 Wow! - Bear900/CA on 6/12/21 5:00pm
 That's interesting. I'm guessing it's about our country -  MW/VA on 6/13/21 10:25am
 Shingrix cost with Medicare ... -  Yoli/CA on 6/13/21 11:14am
 Re: It’s like Yoli said - Carolyn Bodley on 6/13/21 1:32pm
 Re: One reason Shingrix is so expensive - Carolyn Bodley on 6/13/21 3:30pm
 Bye-Bye shingles! - Bear900/CA on 6/16/21 10:11am
 Re: Bye-Bye shingles! That’s great news. - NVLSlady/VA on 6/16/21 11:07am

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