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Re: The delay could mean they
Posted by Bear74 of CA on 11/16/23 5:20pm Msg #647156
I FINALLY got a call back from my E&O company today, almost a whole month after I first called them. Ridiculous!
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Messages in this Thread
 Claims of fraud by lender and I'm getting called to court - Bear74 on 10/17/23 7:53pm
 Notify your E&O carrier immediately - Linda_H/FL on 10/17/23 9:39pm
 Re: Notify your E&O carrier immediately - pdl/cali on 10/17/23 10:00pm
 Re: Notify your E&O carrier immediately - Bear74 on 10/18/23 1:49am
 Re: Notify your E&O carrier immediately - VT_Syrup on 10/18/23 9:19am
 It's scarey but you should be fine. If you thought she was -  MW/VA on 10/18/23 10:15am
 Re: It - Bear74 on 10/18/23 3:18pm
 Re: Notify your E&O carrier immediately - Bear74 on 10/18/23 1:48am
 Re: Notify your E&O carrier immediately - Bear74 on 10/18/23 3:20pm
 Re: Claims of fraud by lender and I -  Cheryl Elliott on 10/18/23 12:56pm
 Bear74 I know it's early for you out there... - Linda_H/FL on 10/19/23 9:07am
 Re: Bear74 I know it - VT_Syrup on 10/19/23 10:43am
 Re: Claims of fraud by lender and I - Art_FL on 10/19/23 10:32am
 Re: Claims of fraud by lender and I - Art_FL on 10/20/23 12:01pm
 Re: Claims of fraud by lender and I - Reina Killen on 10/22/23 10:40am
 So, what happened Thursday in Court? n/m - Lee/AR on 10/23/23 7:30am
 Re: So, what happened Thursday in Court? - Bear74 on 10/25/23 12:56pm
 Re: So, what happened Thursday in Court?...SOP - Linda_H/FL on 10/25/23 9:33pm
 Just a suggestion...fax or email the E&O Company - Michelle/AL on 10/27/23 5:50pm
 Re: So, what happened Thursday in Court? - VT_Syrup on 10/28/23 5:21am
 Appreciate update. n/m - Lee/AR on 10/28/23 6:36am
 The delay could mean they'll settle out of court. I don't -  MW/VA on 10/29/23 11:40am
 Re: The delay could mean they - Bear74 on 11/2/23 4:29pm
 Re: The delay could mean they - Bear74 on 11/16/23 5:20pm

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