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# Replies

Re: Another point about Notary work unworthy  -  jnew on 6/25/24 10:35am
Bingo!!!  -   JanetK_CA on 6/25/24 2:43pm
Add Luxury Signings n/m  -   Cheryl Elliott on 6/25/24 12:31pm
Re: Add Luxury Signings  -  Bravo on 6/26/24 5:52pm
ADD Mortgage Connect  -   Cheryl Elliott on 6/30/24 7:57pm
Re: Another point about Notary work unworthy  -  sweetsignTx on 6/26/24 9:29pm
You should always negotiate as most offers are way too low  -  Lee/AR on 6/26/24 10:02pm
Re: Another point about Notary work unworthy  -   Cheryl Elliott on 6/27/24 10:54am
ADD The Closing Group  -   Cheryl Elliott on 6/29/24 9:42pm
Filing police reports for Home Depot and other odd jobs  -  FlaNotary2 on 6/25/24 5:37am (5 Replies)
And to the companies offering these odd jobs…  -  FlaNotary2 on 6/25/24 5:40am
Re: Filing police reports for Home Depot and other odd jobs  -  SteveS/CA on 6/25/24 8:04am
Re: Filing police reports for Home Depot and other odd jobs  -   Yoli/CA on 6/25/24 9:44am
Re: Filing police reports for Home Depot and other odd jobs  -  sweetsignTx on 6/26/24 9:32pm
Re: Filing police reports for Home Depot and other odd jobs  -  Leo_FL on 7/3/24 7:50am
AI Fraud  -   Yoli/CA on 6/24/24 10:45am (8 Replies)
WOW Re: AI Fraud  -  anotaryinva on 6/24/24 7:05pm
Re: AI Fraud  -   JanetK_CA on 6/24/24 9:16pm
Re: AI Fraud  -   JerryhFL on 6/25/24 5:14am
Re: AI Fraud  -  jnew on 6/25/24 10:50am
Is that done automatically? n/m  -   JanetK_CA on 6/25/24 2:19pm
Re: Is that done automatically?  -  CopperheadTX on 7/3/24 8:05am
Re: Is that done automatically?  -   JanetK_CA on 7/3/24 3:32pm
Re: AI Fraud  -  anotaryinva on 6/25/24 6:40pm
Surprise, surprise, surprise!  -   Yoli/CA on 6/21/24 7:01pm (2 Replies)
Re: Surprise, surprise, surprise!  -   Cheryl Elliott on 6/22/24 10:46am
Re: Surprise, surprise, surprise!  -  sweetsignTx on 6/26/24 9:36pm
New low offer. 2-1/2 hours drive one way for $55. n/m  -  Colonel/IA on 6/20/24 7:56am (10 Replies)
Re: New low offer. 2-1/2 hours drive one way for $55.  -   Cheryl Elliott on 6/20/24 10:01am
Re: New low offer. 2-1/2 hours drive one way for $55.  -  Julie/MI on 6/21/24 6:05am
Re: New low offer. 2-1/2 hours drive one way for $55.  -   Cheryl Elliott on 6/21/24 8:47am
Re: New low offer. 2-1/2 hours drive one way for $55.  -  SteveS/CA on 6/21/24 12:15pm
Re: New low offer. 2-1/2 hours drive one way for $55.  -   Expeditor on 6/21/24 12:47pm
Think point is;lj. n/m  -  Lee/AR on 6/21/24 2:51pm
Re: Think point is "How idiotic the platforms are". n/m  -  Lee/AR on 6/21/24 2:52pm
My entire strategy for getting the kind of notary work  -   Cheryl Elliott on 6/21/24 3:35pm
Re: New low offer. 2-1/2 hours drive one way for $55.  -  Colonel/IA on 6/21/24 5:09pm
Re: New low offer. 2-1/2 hours drive one way for $55.  -   JanetK_CA on 6/21/24 11:44pm
Liability Insurance  -  Sonia Agarwal on 6/18/24 10:00pm (7 Replies)
Re: Liability Insurance  -  Lee/AR on 6/18/24 10:36pm
Re: Liability Insurance  -  Sonia Agarwal on 6/18/24 10:46pm
Re: Liability Insurance  -   Yoli/CA on 6/19/24 8:59am
Re: Liability Insurance  -  Sonia Agarwal on 6/19/24 11:45am
Re: Liability Insurance  -   JanetK_CA on 6/19/24 2:33pm
Re: Liability Insurance  -  SteveS/CA on 6/19/24 3:33pm
Re: Liability Insurance  -   Expeditor on 7/1/24 5:24pm
More about the Graceland mortgage scam.  -  SC/CA on 6/18/24 3:04pm (7 Replies)
Thanks for the update  -   Yoli/CA on 6/19/24 8:46am
Re: More about the Graceland mortgage scam.  -   Doris_CO on 6/19/24 12:33pm
Re: More about the Graceland mortgage scam.  -   JanetK_CA on 6/19/24 1:55pm
Re: More about the Graceland mortgage scam.  -  jnew on 6/20/24 12:15pm
Re: More about the Graceland mortgage scam.  -  Julie/MI on 6/21/24 5:59am
Re: More about the Graceland mortgage scam.  -  James Powell on 6/21/24 8:41am
Re: More about the Graceland mortgage scam.  -   JanetK_CA on 6/21/24 3:22pm
Crazy lazy hazt day of summer, almost  -   Cheryl Elliott on 6/17/24 11:44pm (5 Replies)
I meant Crazy lazy hazy day of summer, almost n/m  -   Cheryl Elliott on 6/17/24 11:45pm
Good day!  -   Yoli/CA on 6/18/24 12:50pm
"A G note" - as in $1K?? Or did you mean C note - $100 n/m  -  Linda_H/FL on 6/18/24 1:21pm
THX mean C note - $100  -   Cheryl Elliott on 6/18/24 1:32pm
Re: THX mean C note - $100  -  pdl/cali on 6/18/24 2:14pm
Mortgage Connect offer this morning  -   Yoli/CA on 6/17/24 9:11am (9 Replies)
SO offer 2 hours away sent 1 1/2 hr. before Appt.  -  Lee/AR on 6/17/24 1:58pm
Re: Mortgage Connect offer this morning  -  Oz/Fl on 6/17/24 8:39pm
Re: Mortgage Connect offer this morning  -  SteveS/CA on 6/17/24 9:15pm
Re: Mortgage Connect offer this morning  -  pdl/cali on 6/18/24 2:16pm
Re: Mortgage Connect offer this morning  -  SteveS/CA on 6/18/24 4:28pm
Just deleted the Connect app  -   Cheryl Elliott on 6/29/24 10:36pm
Re: Just deleted the Connect app  -  SteveS/CA on 6/30/24 1:38am
Re: Mortgage Connect offer this morning  -  doglover/CA on 7/2/24 8:18pm
Re: Mortgage Connect offer this morning  -  SteveS/CA on 7/3/24 9:46am
#'s website work around  -   Yoli/CA on 6/16/24 3:44pm (3 Replies)
Re: #  -  Angelina Saenz on 6/18/24 1:37am
Just emailed you, Angelina n/m  -   Yoli/CA on 6/18/24 2:37pm
Re: #  -   Roger_OH on 6/24/24 5:29pm
Palm Castle Signings, Palm Castle LLC  -  Saguaro Mobile Notary Service on 6/16/24 12:49pm (3 Replies)
Re: Palm Castle Signings, Palm Castle LLC  -  SteveS/CA on 6/16/24 1:34pm
Re: Palm Castle Signings, Palm Castle LLC  -  pdl/cali on 6/18/24 2:18pm
Re: Palm Castle Signings, Palm Castle LLC  -  NobleMobileNotaryServices on 6/24/24 10:00pm
A NEW NOTARY JOB AWAITS YOU. BE SURE TO CONTACT YOUR  -   Expeditor on 6/15/24 11:57pm (2 Replies)
You really paid XYZ for this? n/m  -  Lee/AR on 6/16/24 6:40am
Re: You really paid XYZ for this?  -  pdl/cali on 6/18/24 2:20pm
The #'s site--dilemna. I know it's been discussed before.  -   MW/VA on 6/15/24 10:05am (8 Replies)
"Sorry, not available." works well.  -  Lee/AR on 6/15/24 11:16am
Hi MW/VA! Good to see you here again.  -   Yoli/CA on 6/15/24 12:41pm
Site is up, but not connecting with any links at this time..  -  CPNS2006 on 6/15/24 1:07pm
Great to hear from you MW  -   Cheryl Elliott on 6/15/24 3:56pm
Re: The #  -  CopperheadTX on 6/20/24 8:40am
Re: The #  -   Expeditor on 6/21/24 1:05pm
Re: The # n/m  -  Gary Boehm on 7/2/24 5:44pm
The #  -  Gary Boehm on 7/2/24 5:53pm
Increase In Activity  -  SteveS/CA on 6/14/24 9:15pm (2 Replies)
Some Increase In Activity, not fees, tho'  -  Lee/AR on 6/15/24 6:10am
Re: Some Increase In Activity, not fees, tho  -  SteveS/CA on 6/15/24 9:07am
signwithJOT(dot)com  -   Yoli/CA on 6/13/24 9:09am (2 Replies)
Re: signwithJOT(dot)com  -  Gavina Franklin on 6/13/24 10:35am
Re: signwithJOT(dot)com  -  garland/CA on 6/13/24 6:05pm
RON..  -  Theresa AuthenticDocs on 6/12/24 11:38am (1 Replies)
Re: RON..  -  HeatherR/CA on 6/12/24 12:34pm
Any updates on numbers Jeremy? The last messages were over  -  Colonel/IA on 6/12/24 11:15am
virginia loan closing  -  Lynwood Cribb on 6/11/24 12:34pm (3 Replies)
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