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# Replies

Thanks. I'm thinking it's not about the signature. n/m  -   MW/VA on 10/31/23 8:16am
I've done some transactions for NY & they required black ink n/m  -   MW/VA on 10/29/23 5:23pm
Re: I  -  Clem/CA on 10/30/23 8:12am
Re: I...Clem  -  Linda_H/FL on 10/30/23 8:56am
Re: I...Clem  -  Clem/CA on 10/30/23 4:56pm
Re: Blue Ink or Black Ink  -  Cynthia Bixby on 10/29/23 4:56pm
Re: Blue Ink or Black Ink  -  jojo_MN on 10/30/23 3:25pm
Re: Blue Ink or Black Ink  -  Leo_FL on 10/31/23 7:11am
"Tens of thousands of women in Iceland, including Prime  -  SC/CA on 10/25/23 11:05am(1 Replies)
Ooops. Please ignore. Meant for JP. Sorry. n/m  -  SC/CA on 10/25/23 11:07am
When to comply with incorrect error requests?  -  Christopher Purdue on 10/25/23 10:48am(18 Replies)
Re: When to comply with incorrect error requests?  -  pdl/cali on 10/25/23 12:21pm
Re: When to comply with incorrect error requests?  -  Lee/AR on 10/25/23 12:27pm
Re: When to comply with incorrect error requests?  -   Yoli/CA on 10/25/23 12:32pm
Re: When to comply with incorrect error requests?  -  SteveS/CA on 10/25/23 1:18pm
Re: When to comply with incorrect error requests?  -  Christopher Purdue on 10/25/23 1:47pm
Re: When to comply with incorrect error requests?  -  Christopher Purdue on 10/25/23 1:48pm
Re: When to comply with incorrect error requests?  -   Yoli/CA on 10/25/23 1:57pm
tempting. Unless lender says won't fund, best not to claim n/m  -  sigtogo/OR on 10/25/23 7:05pm
Re: When to comply with incorrect error requests?  -  Christopher Purdue on 10/25/23 10:26pm
Re: When to comply with incorrect error requests?  -   JanetK_CA on 10/25/23 3:50pm
Re: When to comply with incorrect error requests?  -  SteveS/CA on 10/25/23 5:28pm
Re: When to comply with incorrect error requests?  -  Christopher Purdue on 10/25/23 10:24pm
Re: When to comply with incorrect error requests?  -  SteveS/CA on 10/26/23 1:59am
Re: When to comply with incorrect error requests?  -  Christopher Purdue on 10/26/23 9:26am
as retired lender, my sop in this circumstance  -  sigtogo/OR on 10/25/23 7:19pm
Did you show them your instructions from the lender?  -   MW/VA on 10/29/23 11:33am
Re: When to comply with incorrect error requests?  -  jnew on 10/29/23 2:24pm
Re: When to comply with incorrect error requests?  -   JanetK_CA on 10/30/23 7:01pm
Message Deleted  -  User from on 10/23/23 4:34pm (8 Replies)
Reported as ad retiring .. Against forum rules  -  Linda_H/FL on 10/23/23 7:11pm
I think my Kindle speaks another language ... ADVERTISING!!! n/m  -  Linda_H/FL on 10/23/23 9:55pm
Received that email today. Reported as advertisement n/m  -   Yoli/CA on 10/23/23 7:50pm
Done. If enough of us report, it will trigger removal. n/m  -   JanetK_CA on 10/23/23 8:15pm
Ha Ha! Who doesn't need a million dollar loan :) reported n/m  -  sigtogo/OR on 10/24/23 2:24pm
Re: Ha Ha! Who doesn  -   Cheryl Elliott on 10/24/23 5:34pm
Re: Ha Ha! Who doesn  -  ananotary on 10/24/23 5:37pm
Kuwait City  -  Clem/CA on 10/25/23 8:27am
Nova Signings, Honolulu, HI  -   Yoli/CA on 10/23/23 1:31pm (2 Replies)
Linked it for you ...not much info there but... n/m  -  Linda_H/FL on 10/23/23 1:59pm
Thanks, Linda  -   Yoli/CA on 10/23/23 2:57pm
Loan Modifications -- here we go!  -   Yoli/CA on 10/19/23 2:22pm (8 Replies)
Re: Loan Modifications -- here we go!  -  Bear900/CA on 10/19/23 2:46pm
Re: Loan Modifications -- here we go!  -   Doris_CO on 10/19/23 3:09pm
Re: Loan Modifications -- here we go!  -   Expeditor on 10/20/23 12:01pm
LOL Expeditor - "..paying $60 each"  -  Linda_H/FL on 10/20/23 12:15pm
Re: LOL Expeditor - "..paying $60 each"  -  SteveS/CA on 10/20/23 1:38pm
Agreed Steve  -   Yoli/CA on 10/20/23 2:21pm
Re: Agreed Steve  -  SteveS/CA on 10/20/23 6:41pm
I agree with Yoli 100%  -   JanetK_CA on 10/20/23 9:59pm
Notary E&O Vs. SA E&O  -   Yoli/CA on 10/19/23 11:20am(11 Replies)
Signing Agent E&O is sold right here...  -  Linda_H/FL on 10/19/23 11:43am
Re: Signing Agent E&O is sold right here...  -   Yoli/CA on 10/19/23 12:03pm
You're right, bad... n/m  -  Linda_H/FL on 10/19/23 12:24pm
Re: Notary E&O Vs. SA E&O  -  VT_Syrup on 10/19/23 12:46pm
Re: Notary E&O Vs. SA E&O  -   Yoli/CA on 10/19/23 1:28pm
Re: Notary E&O Vs. SA E&O  -  Greg Lirette on 10/22/23 8:00pm
Re: Notary E&O Vs. SA E&O--Agree w/Greg  -  Lee/AR on 10/23/23 6:37am
Re: Notary E&O Vs. SA E&O--Agree w/Greg  -   JanetK_CA on 10/23/23 3:28pm
Re: Notary E&O Vs. SA E&O  -  Michelle/AL on 10/22/23 9:21pm
Don't see the need for SA E&O  -   Roger_OH on 10/23/23 8:28pm
I agree. I carried SA E&O for a while, but the odds are too  -   MW/VA on 10/29/23 11:38am
Claims of fraud by lender and I'm getting called to court  -  Bear74 on 10/17/23 7:53pm (23 Replies)
Notify your E&O carrier immediately  -  Linda_H/FL on 10/17/23 9:39pm
Re: Notify your E&O carrier immediately  -  pdl/cali on 10/17/23 10:00pm
Re: Notify your E&O carrier immediately  -  Bear74 on 10/18/23 1:49am
Re: Notify your E&O carrier immediately  -  VT_Syrup on 10/18/23 9:19am
It's scarey but you should be fine. If you thought she was  -   MW/VA on 10/18/23 10:15am
Re: It  -  Bear74 on 10/18/23 3:18pm
Re: Notify your E&O carrier immediately  -  Bear74 on 10/18/23 1:48am
Re: Notify your E&O carrier immediately  -  Bear74 on 10/18/23 3:20pm
Re: Claims of fraud by lender and I  -   Cheryl Elliott on 10/18/23 12:56pm
Bear74 I know it's early for you out there...  -  Linda_H/FL on 10/19/23 9:07am
Re: Bear74 I know it  -  VT_Syrup on 10/19/23 10:43am
Re: Claims of fraud by lender and I  -  Art_FL on 10/19/23 10:32am
Re: Claims of fraud by lender and I  -  Art_FL on 10/20/23 12:01pm
Re: Claims of fraud by lender and I  -  Reina Killen on 10/22/23 10:40am
So, what happened Thursday in Court? n/m  -  Lee/AR on 10/23/23 7:30am
Re: So, what happened Thursday in Court?  -  Bear74 on 10/25/23 12:56pm
Re: So, what happened Thursday in Court?...SOP  -  Linda_H/FL on 10/25/23 9:33pm
Just a suggestion...fax or email the E&O Company  -  Michelle/AL on 10/27/23 5:50pm
Re: So, what happened Thursday in Court?  -  VT_Syrup on 10/28/23 5:21am
Appreciate update. n/m  -  Lee/AR on 10/28/23 6:36am
The delay could mean they'll settle out of court. I don't  -   MW/VA on 10/29/23 11:40am
Re: The delay could mean they  -  Bear74 on 11/2/23 4:29pm
Re: The delay could mean they  -  Bear74 on 11/16/23 5:20pm
On the Oath Of _________ or through ________ ?  -  NotaryJohn on 10/17/23 3:34pm (1 Replies)
Re: On the Oath Of _________ or through ________ ?  -  VT_Syrup on 10/17/23 6:16pm
U.S. Signings  -  Ellis Tharp on 10/17/23 3:23pm (3 Replies)
Re: U.S. Signings  -  SteveS/CA on 10/17/23 3:41pm
Re: U.S. Signings  -   Yoli/CA on 10/17/23 4:05pm
Deadbeats since loss they are out of business  -   Cheryl Elliott on 10/18/23 1:36pm
Remanufactured Toner  -   Sue on 10/17/23 8:42am (10 Replies)
Re: Remanufactured Toner  -   Yoli/CA on 10/17/23 11:32am
Re: Remanufactured Toner  -  Ellis Tharp on 10/17/23 3:28pm
I also use Linkyo products & buy through Amazon. I did have  -   MW/VA on 10/18/23 10:17am
Anyone have a good option for HP printers?  -   JanetK_CA on 10/17/23 9:19pm
Re: Anyone have a good option for HP printers?  -  pdl/cali on 10/17/23 10:05pm
Re: Anyone have a good option for HP printers?  -  Susan/CA on 10/18/23 10:30am
Re: Anyone have a good option for HP printers?  -   Yoli/CA on 10/21/23 8:06am
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