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# Replies

Cannot notarize a document in which notary is named?  -  VT_Syrup on 2/12/24 3:14pm (3 Replies)
Your name in the certificate is NOT what that thread  -  Linda_H/FL on 2/12/24 7:04pm
Re: Your name in the certificate is NOT what that thread  -  VT_Syrup on 2/12/24 8:43pm
Apples and oranges..inaccurate analogy n/m  -  Linda_H/FL on 2/13/24 9:44am
Prestige Notaries strikes again. AVOID them!!!  -  Mills Mobile Notary Service on 2/12/24 3:11pm (4 Replies)
Re: Prestige Notaries strikes again. AVOID them!!!  -  SteveS/CA on 2/12/24 5:59pm
Re: Prestige Notaries strikes again. AVOID them!!!  -   Yoli/CA on 2/13/24 9:15am
Re: Prestige Notaries strikes again. AVOID them!!!  -  Mills Mobile Notary Service on 2/17/24 1:13pm
Re: Prestige Notaries strikes again. AVOID them!!!  -  SteveS/CA on 2/17/24 3:21pm
Prestige Notories strikes again. I should have known better. n/m  -  Mills Mobile Notary Service on 2/12/24 2:57pm
Question for article on candidate for judge in Chicago  -  Carlos Ballesteros on 2/11/24 8:20pm (4 Replies)
Re: Question for article on candidate for judge in Chicago  -   JanetK_CA on 2/12/24 4:31am
My understanding of ANY notary kaw  -  Linda_H/FL on 2/12/24 1:49pm
Re: Question for article on candidate for judge in Chicago  -   Expeditor on 2/15/24 12:48pm
Re: Question for article on candidate for judge in Chicago  -   Yoli/CA on 2/16/24 10:19am
Question to The talented and knowledgeable notaries public  -  RickG/CA on 2/9/24 5:39pm (8 Replies)
Re: Question to The talented and knowledgeable notaries public  -  RickG/CA on 2/9/24 5:41pm
Re: Question to The talented and knowledgeable notaries public  -  DaveCA/CA on 2/9/24 6:09pm
Re: Question to The talented and knowledgeable notaries public  -  RickG/CA on 2/9/24 7:32pm
It's my understanding that an AIF  -  Linda_H/FL on 2/9/24 10:17pm
Agree with you & Linda. Answer is state-specific.  -  Lee/AR on 2/10/24 7:39am
Agree with Linda & Lee to a certain degree  -   Yoli/CA on 2/10/24 9:50am
Re: Agree with Linda & Lee to a certain degree  -   JanetK_CA on 2/10/24 5:39pm
Re: Question to The talented and knowledgeable notaries public  -   Expeditor on 2/21/24 6:17pm
Ca notary ack stamp  -  Gavina Franklin on 2/8/24 9:06am (6 Replies)
Re: Ca notary ack stamp  -   Yoli/CA on 2/8/24 10:00am
No answer from them,  -  Gavina Franklin on 2/8/24 10:41am
Re: No answer from them,  -   Doris_CO on 2/8/24 11:38am
Re: No answer from them,  -  pdl/cali on 2/8/24 2:23pm
Thanks pdl n/m  -  Gavina Franklin on 2/8/24 9:10pm
Re: Ca notary ack stamp  -   Expeditor on 2/8/24 9:47pm
Another business expense  -   Yoli/CA on 2/7/24 12:34pm (3 Replies)
Wise words, Yoli. Thank you n/m  -  Linda_H/FL on 2/7/24 2:50pm
Brava, Yoli! Well said, well done - and so true! n/m  -   JanetK_CA on 2/7/24 3:56pm
Re: Another business expense  -  Sheryl/TX on 2/9/24 5:38pm
The flip side to higher interest rates  -  Mills Mobile Notary Service on 2/6/24 2:49pm (5 Replies)
Re: The flip side to higher interest rates  -  SteveS/CA on 2/6/24 6:39pm
Re: The flip side to higher interest rates  -   JanetK_CA on 2/7/24 1:47am
Re: The flip side to higher interest rates  -  ananotary on 2/7/24 9:36am
Re: The flip side to higher interest rates  -   JanetK_CA on 2/7/24 3:54pm
Loan Assumptions and refi of Reverse Mortgages  -   Yoli/CA on 2/7/24 12:03pm
Real Estate Fraud is running rampant  -   Yoli/CA on 2/6/24 9:57am
conveyance of property  -   MonicaFL on 2/3/24 10:00am (4 Replies)
Re: conveyance of property ... new rules  -  Clem/CA on 2/3/24 10:48am can...just note the amendment  -  Linda_H/FL on 2/3/24 11:10am
Disregard the relationship portion of my post..  -  Linda_H/FL on 2/3/24 12:04pm
Re: Disregard the relationship portion of my post..  -  jnew on 2/4/24 8:35am
Florida Digital IDs are acceptable for notarization purposes  -  FlaNotary2 on 2/1/24 12:21pm (5 Replies)
Re: Florida Digital IDs are acceptable for notarization purposes  -  VT_Syrup on 2/1/24 1:12pm
Re: Florida Digital IDs are acceptable for notarization purposes  -  FlaNotary2 on 2/1/24 1:50pm
Re: Florida Digital IDs are acceptable for notarization purposes  -  VT_Syrup on 2/1/24 3:36pm
FL Smart ID Verifier is in the App Store n/m  -  FlaNotary2 on 2/1/24 4:07pm
Thank you, Robert. n/m  -  Linda_H/FL on 2/2/24 11:16am
Good Portable Printer/Scanner for Mobile  -  Edgar Wise on 1/31/24 4:46pm (4 Replies)
Re: Good Portable Printer/Scanner for Mobile  -   Yoli/CA on 2/1/24 9:19am
Agree w/Yoli 100%, both on ScanSnap & on HP support  -   JanetK_CA on 2/2/24 5:46pm
Re: Agree w/Yoli 100%, both on ScanSnap & on HP support  -   Yoli/CA on 2/2/24 8:48pm
Re: Agree w/Yoli 100%, both on ScanSnap & on HP support  -   JanetK_CA on 2/4/24 3:29pm
Notary Pay Validation Email  -  Edgar Wise on 1/31/24 4:41pm
ID request new to me.  -  Colonel/IA on 1/31/24 10:41am (5 Replies)
Re: ID request new to me.  -   Yoli/CA on 1/31/24 11:17am
Re: ID request new to me.  -   Cheryl Elliott on 1/31/24 12:26pm
Re: ID request new to me.  -  Edgar Wise on 1/31/24 4:29pm
Wondering--Can you see they match in photo?  -  Lee/AR on 1/31/24 5:20pm
I've been asked this as a signer  -  Kellosh/CA on 2/1/24 2:33pm
It's all in the details  -   Yoli/CA on 1/30/24 12:46pm (7 Replies)
Re: It  -  pdl/cali on 1/30/24 1:49pm
Nice work, Yoli!!  -  Linda_H/FL on 1/31/24 9:10am
Re: Nice work, Yoli!!  -   Yoli/CA on 1/31/24 11:25am
Re: It  -  Edgar Wise on 1/31/24 4:33pm
This change to the document is going to happen AFTER  -  ananotary on 2/3/24 10:17am
Re: This change to the document is going to happen AFTER  -   Yoli/CA on 2/3/24 1:00pm
You're lucky the signer knew what this is  -   rengel/CA on 2/6/24 4:25pm
Find A Notary  -  CDG1228 on 1/30/24 12:35pm (14 Replies)
Re: Find A Notary  -   Yoli/CA on 1/30/24 12:48pm
Re: Find A Notary  -  CDG1228 on 1/30/24 12:58pm
Re: Find A Notary  -   Yoli/CA on 1/30/24 1:15pm
Re: Find A Notary  -  CDG1228 on 1/30/24 1:23pm
Re: Find A Notary  -   JanetK_CA on 1/30/24 4:09pm
Re: Find A Notary  -  CDG1228 on 1/30/24 4:25pm
Re: Find A Notary...keep in mind  -  Linda_H/FL on 1/31/24 9:15am
Re: Find A Notary...keep in mind  -  CDG1228 on 1/31/24 11:20am
Re: Find A Notary...keep in mind  -  Linda_H/FL on 1/31/24 11:23am
Re: Find A Notary...keep in mind  -  CDG1228 on 1/31/24 11:38am
Re: Find A Notary  -  SteveS/CA on 1/30/24 5:40pm
Re: Find A Notary  -  CDG1228 on 1/30/24 8:35pm
Re: Find A Notary  -  SteveS/CA on 1/30/24 9:17pm
Re: Find A Notary  -  CDG1228 on 1/30/24 10:11pm
Negrete offer $85 plus scan backs. Unreal! n/m  -  HeatherR/CA on 1/30/24 10:47am (6 Replies)
Re: Negrete offer $85 plus scan backs. Unreal!  -   Doris_CO on 1/30/24 11:27am
Yep...and even Tony only paid $90-$95 most times n/m  -  Linda_H/FL on 1/30/24 11:39am
Re: Negrete offer $85 plus scan backs. Unreal!  -   Yoli/CA on 1/30/24 12:05pm
Re: Negrete offer $85 plus scan backs. Unreal!  -   Cheryl Elliott on 1/30/24 3:45pm
Re: Negrete offer $85 plus scan backs. Unreal!  -  SteveS/CA on 1/30/24 5:48pm
Re: Negrete offer $85 plus scan backs. Unreal!  -  Edgar Wise on 1/31/24 4:34pm
notary service go  -  keri shirey on 1/26/24 5:29pm (5 Replies)
Re: notary service go  -   Cheryl Elliott on 1/27/24 10:23am
Re: notary service go  -  Linda_H/FL on 1/27/24 10:35am
Re: notary service go  -  CPNS2006 on 1/30/24 6:52am
Re: notary service go  -  Leo_FL on 1/30/24 7:09am
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